Minutes March 2022

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 23 rd März 2022. The meeting started at 7.30pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Peter Fry PF, Francis Knight FK (Stand-in Secretary), Catherine Atkins CA, Paul Badman PB, Kay Strain KS, David Mozley DM

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Jaqui Knight, Sally Holz

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 rd Februar 2022: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: DA will speak to the Parish Council in due course about the plaque. All other comments covered under later points.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report other than those to be discussed under later points.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes. A group of committee members have been looking at the finances of the Association and our level of reservesthey will report their findings to the committee at the April meeting.

Current account balance £xxxx

Deposit account balance £xxxx

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: Jacqui has posted a letter to Lloyd and Mary Hughes and has not heard back yet as to their Twinning intentions. We received news that former member Jim Lidgate has sadly passed away. PF is likely to attend the funeral and if he does he will represent the Association. DA has sent a card of condolence to Liz Lidgate on behalf of the Association.

  1. Visits: BF has received an email from Isny expressing their disappointment that they can’t visit us this year but they still feel it’s the right decision. They send their best wishes to everyone. BF has replied asking if they would like to set up a Zoom meeting but not heard back yet. Sharon has been in touch to say she’s had a good response from our French twinners about the trip we hope to make in October, she is visiting Street in April and will meet up to discuss further details then.

  1. Fundraising and Events: Bric-a-brac stall to be carried forward to later in the year. We have a confirmed stall at VicFest at the Victoria club on 2nd Juli – the focus of this will be promotional but we are able to borrow the Play your Cards right game from the Lions to help generate some interest around the stall, we may also do a tombola but this will be decided closer to the time. The possibility of a Strawberry Tea fundraising event in the summer will be discussed later.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: Nothing to report other than last month’s Minutes have been posted on the website.

  1. Publicity: Nothing doing on this until visits confirmed.

  1. Lotterie: Congratulations to the winners of the March lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Strain during the zoom meeting.

1st Prize no.7 Tom Winn

2nd Prize no.46 Gill Davey

3 rd Prize no.2 John Parfitt

  1. AOB: Our next scheduled meeting clashes with an AGM of another group which some of our committee members have to attend so our meeting was rescheduled for Monday 25th April, once again via Zoom.

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Meeting Closed at 7:50pm

Date of next meeting: Monday 25th April at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.

Minutes February 2022

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 23 rd Februar 2022. The meeting started at 7.30pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, David Mozley DM

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Paul Badman and Kay Strain

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 26th Januar 2022: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: Not yet spoken with Parish Council about the plaque but will do so before we have contact with Gravenchon.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes. Nothing further to report

Current account balance £xxxx.xx

Deposit account balance £yyyy.yy

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: JK reported that we have 41 members plus 4 children. Committee members have spoken with unpaid members and reported back that there are 5 more members that are likely to re-join and 1 more child.

  1. Visits: JK received an email from Sharon in Gravenchon. She sent an email to their members at the end of January and another Mid-February asking for confirmation of hosting from 26th bis 30th Oct. Sharon has had feedback from some but not all.

Zooms: It was agreed to leave for the moment until possibly Easter. BF will contact Isny, und JK will contact Gravenchon.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

Bric-a-BracThis will be carried forward.

Vicfest 2nd July at Victoria ClubWe have been offered a stall at this event which is raising money for Motor Neuron Disease. It will run from 1-5pm, there is no pitch fee but a donation to the charity. There will be other local groups one of which are doing a water or wine stall. BF suggested that the event could be a raise our profile rather than a fund raiser. Possibly do a tombola with some of the decent Bric-a-Brac items and possibly a couple children’s games to attract people to the stall. It was agreed to except the invite of holding a stall. JK stated we still have lots of flyers and promotional items.

Social Summer EventAvril Berry has offered to host a garden event similar to the ones that her and William used to hold. Possibly mid-June but keeping in mind that there will be the Jubilee at this time so could be July or early Aug on a Saturday or Sunday.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: Nothing to report

  1. Publicity: DA und JK will be working on the Newspaper report but better to wait until more to report. JK suggested a promotional poster that could be displayed on the notice board outside the parish council rooms.

  1. Lotterie: Congratulations to the winners of the February lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Strain earlier that day as she was unable to attend the meeting.

1st Prize no.33 Marisa Della Valle £20

2nd Prize no.22 Claire Axten £10

3 rd Prize no.4 Millie Bailey £5

  1. AOB: It was agreed that due to the meetings still being very short that the committee would keep to Zoom meetings for the time being.

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Meeting Closed at 8.00pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 23 rd March at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.

Minutes January 2022

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 26th January 2022. The meeting started at 7.30pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Sally Holz SW, Kay Strain KS, David Mozley DM

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Peter Fry and Paul Badman

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2021: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting, and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: DA has not spoken with the Parish Council yet about the plaque photo from Gravenchon. He will be in touch with them before we have contact with Gravenchon.

  1. Secretary’s Report: All payment receipts have now been sent out by email for membership and lottery payments. If you have made a payment but have not yet received a receipt, please contact Jacqui at streettwinning@gmail.com

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £8860.98

Deposit account balance £8059.46

FK said that Meriman Park should be included, und DA und MR agreed.

DA spoke about the amount in the reserve account. This has gone up a lot since the pandemic as we have not had exchanges or many outgoing costs. There followed a discussion about what the reserves could be used for. Previously there had been a group of committee members that discussed the level of reserves and DA would like this to happen again. DM as a new member of the committee was asked to join this group which he is happy to do. BF suggested that some money could go to new families that join to help with costs. SW said that we are coming out of an awful couple of years and there may be members that will now struggle with the cost of twinning and hosting as purse strings are tightened with a lot of people being financially worse off. JK asked the committee not to be hasty in re-allocating or spending the reserves as we do not know what the future holds, it may become more expensive to travel not only due to Covid but now being out of the EU. She also said that we might still have to pay privately for PCR tests before travelling and it would be good if the reserve funds could possibly help members with some of these extra hidden costs. BF said that travel insurance costs could be more and perhaps it would be a good idea to look into group insurance. DA agreed that it would be right to keep some money back but to use some of the reserves and this is what the group will look at and report back to the committee.

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: JK reported that we now have 39 paid adult members and 4 children under the age of 18. The list of members that have not yet paid was split between committee members. They will be contacted directly to find out their thoughts as to whether they would like to re-join twinning and to gauge if they would be looking at possibly hosting or travelling this year.

DA would like to review the current membership situation and look at creating a Supporters category. He stated it can be misleading when organising exchanges to say we have a certain number of members but with some of those members not hosting or travelling. JK had some reservations. She stated that some of the members that do not travel still pay full membership. She also stated that she has a list of supporters who can be invited to events, but she doesn’t send the minutes to them. DA said that when there are subs involved you are either a member or not but if you are a supporter many other groups charge a small amount so as they can stay on the list and attend events. SW agreed and is a member of a society where “patronspay less than full members but are still invited to special occasions, they are informed about everything that is happening. BF agreed that it would be a good idea to have a separate category and some of the non-travelling members still help out at events and this would give them a standing within the group. DA said that this will need to be brought up at the next AGM for the constitution to be amended if it is agreed.

  1. Visits:

Isny: BF recently contacted Isny to say that things are getting a lot better in England, but some are still anxious and finding their way through things. Christine replied to say that they do not know whether they will be able to visit Street this year as it is very complicated at the moment and it may be easier to do it next year instead. They will speak to the coach company. They are trying to find a family for our new family, and she sends greetings to all the group. Wolfgang replied to say that it is difficult to plan anything at the moment. It is difficult to make contracts with companies as they are unable to cancel. He suggested having another zoom to speak to everyone. DA summarised that the outcome of that is Isny are in no place to decide, and they are sounding like they would like to postpone. We can’t say that they will not come but we need to be aware that it might not happen this year. A zoom will be arranged in a couple of monthstime.

Gravenchon: JK has spoken with Sharon, and it is sounding hopeful that we will be able to visit France this year. The proposed dates are Wed 26th to Sunday 30th Oct when both English and French children are on school holidays. Sharon will be contacting their members to see how many would be potentially interested in hosting this year. We will be looking at organising a zoom in February.

BF und JK will discuss dates for zooms and then contact the relevant parties to arrange them. DA will draft an email to send to our members about the possible future visits. We would like to get an idea of who would possibly be interested in exchanges this year. Nothing is set in stone, but it would be good to gauge members thoughts.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

Bric a Brac: DA thanked everyone that helped and reported that we had raised £94. There are some items left and there are members with more items to sell. DA asked if the committee would like to hold another one. FK stated that it is important to be out there and seen to keep the twinning in people’s minds and the committee agreed that it would be a good idea to hold another one. This will be discussed at the next meeting, and it was suggested that nearer to Easter would be a good time.

January SocialAfternoon Tea: DA reported that it was a nice simple gathering and there was a £15 profit. Special thanks to CA und KS for their help on the day. MR said that she had great memories of the strawberry teas at Avril and William’s house where there was cake, games of boule and a raffle. This was seen as a fundraiser previously, but it was suggested that we should try to hold an event like this again as a social event.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: Peter Fry was not at the meeting to report about the Website, FK reported that the website links to and from Gravenchon were now all ok. JK has put a post on Facebook to remind people about the lottery, membership payments and to share a photo from the afternoon tea.

  1. Publicity: DA stated that it is difficult at the moment to try to promote twinning as there is not a lot to offer at the moment. MR agreed saying that many groups are in the same situation at the moment as there is not much going on. DA will send something to JK to look at, but it was decided to put off putting something in the paper at the moment.

  1. Lotterie: 74 tickets have been sold which is brilliant and this makes it possible to stick to the same lottery winnings. Congratulations to the winners of the January lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by KS during the zoom meeting.

1st Prize no.5 Gill Davey £20

2nd Prize no.26 Avril Berry £10

3 rd Prize no.36 Daniella Della Valle £5

DA thanked KS for taking the lottery on.

  1. AOB: None

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA said that the meeting in February will be held via zoom. It was a lengthier meeting tonight but probably not enough to warrant a face-to-face meeting. This will be reviewed again at next month’s meeting. He thanked everyone for their support and for attending the meeting.

Meeting Closed at 8.40pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 23 rd February at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.

Minutes November 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 24th November 2021. Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Kay Strain KS, David Mozley DM

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Sally Wood, Tina Della Valle

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September 2021:

DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting, and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: Good number of members attended the AGM and also there were a few that joined the online zoom. It was well worth doing a hybrid and people on zoom could hear the meeting. Not spoken with the parish council as yet about the possibility of having a photo of the French plaque displayed in the parish rooms, this will happen as soon as possible.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Marina was not present at the meeting. DA reported that the only outgoings have been the payment for the room for the AGM, insurance, and bottle of wine for Chris Ford for checking the accounts.

Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7797.20

Deposit account balance £8059.32

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: JK reported that about half of last years members have renewed their membership so far. Receipts have been sent for all payments received to date. John and Maureen Parfitt have said they are remaining with the twinning but won’t be travelling abroad. Sheila Urwin has sadly decided to leave twinning, Sheila unfortunately never got to travel to Isny with the twinning but has helped out many times on various fundraising stalls and an email was sent by JK to thank her for all her help.

  1. Visits:

Meeting with Sharon Paimpare in Street: DA, CA, FK und JK met with Sharon recently when she visited Street. It was a very positive meeting and dates were discussed for us to visit Gravenchon in 2022. As stated at the AGM the early part of the year when French and English children are both off school was thought to be problematic for various reasons. Sharon has now confirmed with us that the majority of the Gravenchon twinners cannot host in the April, Mai, or August holidays. October was the other option and Sharon is now checking with her members to see if they can host sometime during the half term holiday between Sat 22nd to Sun 30th Oct.

Zoom with ND de Gravenchon: JK is going to send Sharon some possible dates for a social zoom in December but if this is too short notice to arrange the zoom then it might not take place until the New Year.

Isny: BF doesn’t think we will hear anything further from Isny until the New Year reference making plans for them to visit Street next year.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

Bric-a-Brac Stall at Street Market: An email will go out to members to ask if anyone has any toys or suitable items that would make good Christmas presents to go on a stall on Thurs 16th Dec. This will probably be more for advertising Twinning rather than a fund raiser as we might not make very much money. In the email we will also be asking for volunteers to help on the stall. FK has offered to set up and break down.

January SocialVenue and Format: DA said that it would be around £50 to hire a church hall for a social event. A discussion then followed about possible days and times and a Saturday was decided. BF suggested afternoon tea and this was agreed. It was agreed that there would also be something to do at the event such as a game or short quiz but no raffle. The two options were the United Reform Church, or the Mission Church and the committee agreed on the United Reform Church which is on the High Street. DA will look into dates, and it won’t be until January and so the Committee will communicate through email or WhatsApp as there is no December meeting.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: PF reported that the AGM minutes have gone onto the website and JK reported that the lottery winners were posted on Facebook.

  1. Publicity: DA und JK still need to put together a newspaper article. This will now happen in January. A brochure will be put together early next year using some of the Parish Council grant. This will be a good advertising tool for attracting new members and when approaching schools.

  1. Lotterie: TW has now handed over the running of the lottery to KS. A letter will go out to members before Christmas about the lottery and a reminder will go out in early January before the first numbers are drawn for the start of the year.

1st Prize no.47 Trevor Skinner (donated to Oxfam)

2nd Prize no.48 David Mozley

3 rd Prize no.14 Claire Brunt

  1. AOB: None

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA suggested having a hybrid for the January meeting like we had at the AGM. Some committee members felt that as the meetings are so short at the moment we may as well keep them as zoom meetings. Once exchange dates have been arranged there will be more to organise and discuss and so to then meet up in person. This was agreed. DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting and special thanks to David Mozley for attending his first committee meeting as a committee member.

Meeting Closed at 8.05pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 26th Januar 2022 at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.

Minutes AGM October 2021

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

held at Crispin Community Centre and Via Zoom.

Wednesday 20th Oktober. The meeting started at 7.05pm.

Our Chairman David Atkins started the meeting by welcoming everyone in the room and also those online, he said it is a delight to be able to meet and see friends physically as well as virtually. He gave a special welcome to two of our newest members, from the Gulliver family Sarah and Evie.

  1. VORHANDEN: David Atkins DA, Catherine Atkins CA, David Brunt DB, Veronica Brunt, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Jacqui Ritter JK, Francis Knight FK, Isobel Knight, Mark Lewis, Jenny Lewis, David Mozley DM, Hilary Mozley, Marina Richards MR, Paul Badman, Kay Strain KS, Tom Winn TW, Kay Winn, Sally Holz SW, Sarah Gulliver SG and Evie Gulliver.

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Gabbie and Martyn Butler, Barbara and Martin Cowell, Gill Davey, Brian Read and Julia Welch.

  1. Minuten and any matters arising of last AGM held on 31st October 2020: DA checked that those present had read the minutes from the previous AGM and that they were a true and fair record. DM proposed that the minutes were correct, und FK seconded. Agreed by all members by a show of hands. No matters arising.

  1. Chairman’s Report: (A copy of the report was sent to members prior to the meeting) DA checked that everyone had received a copy of his report. In summary he spoke about three main points.

1. The association has been able to keep in contact with our French and German friends via Zoom during the last year. There have been three such meetings and all have been good fun and it was a delight to both see and hear from our fellow Twinners. We look forward to having more meetings in the coming months. Such meetings via Zoom will help us in planning future visits.

2. The committee has met each month via Zoom and DA thanked them all for their support and desire to both keep in touch with and to update our members. Special thanks to our Secretary JK and our Treasurer MR for their continued work in those roles. DA also thanked the members who supported our Bric-a-Brac stall in July and the Water or Wine stall at Merriman Park Fun Day.

3. DA said that we hope to be able to resume visits next year and that the key to the Associations future success still lies with increasing our membership. We received a grant of £1k from Street Parish Council to help with this. He said that the way lies in targeting families and we are looking to do this through the schools. Families are not the only additional members we want to see - anyone with the right motivation is welcome - but families offer a longer term and vibrant future.

DA asked if there were any comments. No comments. KS proposed the acceptance of the report and DB seconded. Agreed with a show of hands from members.

  1. Treasurer’s report and presentation and acceptance of the annual accounts: (A copy of the accounts was sent to members prior to the meeting) MR presented the accounts for the financial year ending 31st August 2021 as checked by the accountant.

Current account balance £7207.06

Reserve account balance £8059.19

MR proposed the acceptance of the accounts and TW seconded. All in favour by a show of hands. DA thanked Chris Ford for inspecting the accounts.

MR proposed the level of subs for next year to stay at £15 per member 18yrs and over. There were no comments to this proposal and the motion was seconded by SW. All in favour by a show of hands.

  1. Voting to elect the Chairman: DA thanked those who had already sent their votes for nominations to our secretary. Voting at the meeting would normally be by a show of hands but a secret ballot may be held if requested by at least 4 members. No requests for a ballot were received and the voting by show of hands proceeded.

TW our current Vice Chairman was on Zoom and did not have sight of the room to see the votes. It was agreed before the meeting that DA would hand over to JK to conduct the election of our chairman.

Once DA had left the room JK reported that no other nominations had been received by post or email. By a show of hands with no abstains or against votes David Atkins was re-elected as Vorsitzende.

DA was called back into the room and thanked everyone for their continued confidence “I am delighted to continue in this role, and I hope that I can bring the necessary energy to lead us for the next 12 months that are critical to the association as previously mentioned this evening”.

  1. Voting to elect Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary: DA stated that TW has decided not to seek to remain as vice chairman, a role he has had for the last three years. On behalf of the Association DA thanked TW for having filled this role and personally thanked him for all his help advice and support over the last two years. In response TW said that it has been a pleasure to be Vice Chairman and also a pleasure to work alongside DA.

BF had been nominated for Vice ChairmanShe left the room for the vote to be held. The vote was carried out by a show of hands. The motion was carried, und Barbara Fry was elected as Vice Chairman and called back into the room and she joined the top table.

JK who had been nominated for Secretary left the room. Jacqui Knight was re-elected by a show of hands as Secretary.

MR who had been nominated for Treasurer and had joined the meeting by Zoom was asked to leave the room. Marina Richards was re-elected by a show of hands as Treasurer.

  1. Members are invited to volunteer to serve on the management committee with a target of at least 10 members:

Members volunteering to continue to serve on the committee for the coming year are:

Catherine Atkins

Paul Badman

Peter Fry

Francis Knight

Kay Strain

Sally Wood

DA thanked them. Ideally the Association needs four new Committee members and he outlined what it entails:

There are 11 meetings per year generally on the fourth Wednesday of each month. There is no meeting in December. Candidates need to have a willingness to bring suggestions and ideas to our eventsbe they hosting, visiting, social or fund-raising and have a willingness to help organise these activities with others.

David Mozley volunteered from the room to join the committee.

Anyone else who would like to join is very welcome; please contact either DA or JK.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th Nov and the venue will be decided nearer the time.

  1. Lotterie: TW stated that this year’s lottery had seen a record amount of numbers sold. He has enjoyed doing the lottery for a number of years but is now going to stand down. KS has volunteered to take over the running of the lottery and TW said he hopes she enjoys doing it as much as he has. DA thanked TW for running this as it is an important fund-raiser for the Association.

October Lottery Winners:

1st no.30 Cameron Richards £20

2nd no.47 Trevor Sinner £10 – donating to Oxfam

3 rd no.46 Suzie Atkins £5

  1. Plans for 2022: DA stated that we would like to give an update from both Gravenchon and Isny but as importantly he would like to get a sense from the members as to how you are all feeling about participating in either hosting or travel next year. He stated that future visits to Europe will need the Association to have additional documentation in line with EU regulations which is unrelated to Covid, this was outlined at a previous meeting and when we organise trips in the future, we will need to make sure these guidelines are followed.

Gravenchon update: Please see the attached corrected School holiday timeline.

JK gave an update to the members that there have been discussions with Sharon in Gravenchon about us travelling to France next year. Unfortunately, Sharon had stated that the week commencing 18th April after Easter, is not an option because of French Presidential Elections and the wide use of public buildings for voting over the two weekends in April.

The other option is Spring Bank Holiday week, 30th May onwards that includes the Queen’s Platinum celebrations, but this could be problematic for both sides. The French because of a Bank Holiday for Whitsun and the UK’s two bank holidays for the Jubilee. Sharon is checking with their members if they are wanting to host in Whitsun week, but it is felt that many people may be going away on holiday both in the UK and in France during this time.

This leaves two other options when school holidays coincide which are in August or October.

JK added that she felt it is important to keep the exchanges in school holidays as children are not allowed to take time off school during term time and this is especially important with a new family recently joining the Association. SG said that hopefully with the exchange being further into the year we will all be in a better place by then and so enabling more members to travel. FK stated that in a previous year there had been exchanges with both Gravenchon and Isny in the same month and as some members exchange with both it had been said that this had been too much to take on. It had previously been stated that Isny were looking at August to visit us and so this would leave October as the more sensible option for us to visit Gravenchon. The members in the room agreed it wasn’t a good idea to have two exchanges in the same month. We will wait to hear from Sharon and have further discussions.

Isny update: BF gave an update that Isny have pencilled in the first week in August as a preferred time for them to visit Street. There have been recent emails, and this is still the case. Nothing has been booked so far but this will hopefully happen.

It was decided that JK und BF will send out emails in the New Year to gauge interest from our members to see who would potentially like to participate in exchanges in 2022.

  1. AOB:

  1. SW talked about holding another Bric-a-Brac near Christmas. It was discussed whether this would be appropriate due to the fact that Street is holding a food festival around Christmas time instead of the usual Christmas Cracker event. BF stated that she still has Bric-a-Brac for a stall. CA said she thought that before Christmas would still be a good time to hold another Bric-a-Brac. it was agreed that DA would look into booking a stall on a Thursday market day in December. If anyone has any appropriate items for a Bric-a-Brac stall, please get in touch. SW said that she felt it would be good if we held a stall more regularly at the Thursday Street Market in the New Year.

  1. The Associations new Display Board was brought along to the meeting and DA said that it had been a good focal point at the Merriman Park Fundraiser. This has been a good investment utilising some of the grant received from Street Parish Council. Thanks to JK und FK for putting the display together. See photo at the end of the minutes.

  1. DA asked the members present their thoughts on a Christmas Social. Previously we had a sit-down meal. FK thought that it was better to be able to mingle and chat and so a buffet would be good for this. SW suggested a fun Christmas quiz. DB suggested music. SG suggested organising a beetle drive. DA suggested in terms of rooms the United Reform Church and Mission Church were appropriate and after a discussion these were the preferred options. DA will make enquiries.

DA closed the meeting and thanked KS und SW for the teas, coffees, and biscuits. He thanked everyone for attending the meeting either in person or via Zoom.

Meeting Closed at 7.50pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 24th November 2021 at 7.30pm

Minutes September 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 22nd September 2021. The meeting started at 4pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman)TW, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Sally Holz SW, Kay Strain KS and Simon Carswell

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Marina Richards and Paul Badman

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 25th August 2021: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and by a show of hands it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: Welcome to parish councillor Simon Carswell.

Update from ND de Gravenchon re “Stars Plaque”: DA has spoken with Sharon in Gravenchon about the star plaque and she understands and is ok about it. She offered a replacement but DA thought that this was perhaps not the best idea as susceptible to vandalism if put outside the parish rooms and a bit too large to put inside. DA proposed to the committee that a framed picture of the plaque in France would be a nice and easier display for the parish council. PF und KS agreed and SW thought it would be a good representation of the plaque. DA will chat with Linda, the parish clerk, to discuss an appropriate size for a photo or print to be displayed inside.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Lots of interest at the Merriman Park Fun Day and JK has sent an email with all the relevant twinning information to a lady who filled in a show of interest form, not heard back as yet. Great news that a family of four will be joining both the Gravenchon and Isny twinning. JK will send the information about the family to Sharon in Gravenchon and BF will send it to Veronica so as families can be found to twin with them.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7653.95

Deposit account balance £8059.19

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: DA Welcomed TW back, he said he is doing well.

  1. Visits: It is still too soon for anyone to say yes or no to dates or visits

  1. Fundraising and Events: Please see FK’s Merriman Park Fun Day report at the end of the minutes

BF thanked FK for the amount of work he put into it. DA reported that many stalls ran out of stock and that is was the most successful Merriman Park Fun Day to date. He liked that once we had sold out of bottles the information board was re positioned at the front of the stall and this looked very good and still drew people to the stall. DA thanked David Brunt for taking on all the lions items for him. Simon Carswell said that it was such a fantastic day and the best one yet. The benefit it gives to so many organisation in street, not only the Merriman Park fund raiser group. BF said how lovely it was to meet up with people again. She said to Simon how important it is to have these events for the community spirit. Simon agreed and will feed that back to the parish council.

The date has been set for the 3 rd sept for next year’s event. There will be no Christmas Cracker.

  1. Webseite & Facebook : PF reported that he has put the August Minutes onto the Website. JK has put on FB lots of photos from the Merriman Park Fun Day and some videos.

  1. Publicity: DA asked KS to contact her friend at the paper to get an idea of the size and amount of words for the article. Then DA und JK will put something together.

  1. Lotterie: Congratulations to the winners of the September lottery draw. TW and Kay Winn drew the winning lottery numbers during the zoom meeting. TW und KS have got together and everything is set up for KS to take over when TW stands down from it

1st Prize no.5 Claire Axten

2nd Prize no.16 Helen Phillips

3 rd Prize no.50 Kay Winn

13. Annual General MeetingWednesday 20th Oktober 2021 at 7pm

The committee had been sent a link to a hybrid meeting that DA had attended so as they could see how it sounded on Zoom. Everyone agreed that it looked and sounded good and it was agreed to go ahead with the hybrid of both a physical and zoom meeting for our AGM. The Crispin Community Centre, 4 Leigh Rd, Street BA16 0HA has been booked from 6.15pm to give the committee time to set up and the meeting will start at 7pm. DA stated that they have a Wi-Fi which is efficient and easy to use. SW, KS und CA volunteered to do teas, coffees and biscuits.

Plans for 2022 is on the AGM agenda which will give members a chance to voice their opinions. JK asked if DA could prepare a diary like before of dates when schools here, in Gravenchon and Isny are on school holidays to give everyone an idea of when the visits could possibly take place. Isny have shown interest in visiting us in the first week of Aug. BF will contact Veronica to get an update and JK will contact Sharon to see how confident they are about us visiting them next year. We can then feed this information back to the members at the AGM.

DA stated that the financial report might not be ready in time to go out with the 2nd calling notice as stated in the constitution but will probably be sent separately. Members will be able to vote by email and on the night. TW stated that he wont be standing again for Vice Chairman.

14. AOB: SW asked about the bric a brac. DA stated that we need some new items if we are

going to hold another one. If anyone has any bric a brac donations please let a committee member know. As the weather changes we can let people know on the day if necessary through WhatsApp if a stall won’t be going ahead. SW is happy to bring this up at the AGM in AOB as she thought it would be a nice idea to do one around Christmas time.

DA asked for feeling about meeting up for the November committee meeting. TW said things are very uncertain at the moment and DA suggested that perhaps a hybrid meeting would be suitable but we would need to think about an appropriate venue and this can be discussed nearer the time.

15. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting. Special

thanks to Simon for attending and both Simon and Andy Leafe, our contacts for the Parish Council, have been invited to the AGM.

Meeting Closed at 4.45pm

Date of next committee meeting: Wednesday 24th November at 7.30pm


Minutes August 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 25th August 2021. Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Sally Holz SW, Kay Strain KS

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Tom Winn, Marina Richards, Paul Badman

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 28th July 2021: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report:

The new plaque is in place by the twinning tree in Merriman Park. Thank you to the 7 members that attended plus Peter Cole who placed the stake. The tree is looking really good.

The twinning plaque from outside Grinters is now fixed to the wall outside the Parish Rooms, thank you to PF.

The plaque of stars from Gravenchon had been damaged during the refurbishment of the Parish rooms last year. We only found this out when The Parish Council were asked where the plaque was this year. They stated that the plaque had been damaged beyond repair and so they had disposed of it. There have been exchanges of emails and the Parish Council have sent a letter to the mayor of Gravenchon to apologise. DA had hoped to see the letter first and for it to be sent to Sharon and not the Mayor. DA has tried to contact Sharon, but she is currently away from home.

  1. Secretary’s Report:

A lady from Catcott has contacted Street Twinning through email which she had obtained from our Website. Her son went on a school trip to Gravenchon with Catcott school in 2019 and became good friends with a French boy. Sadly, they had lost contact and so she asked if there was a way we could help her track him down. JK contacted Sharon who is now on the search for the French boy. The lady also showed interest in twinning, and they are a family of 4. JK has forwarded all the relevant twinning information to her.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Mozely has kindly donated his lottery winnings to the association.

Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7357.06

Deposit account balance £8059.12

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: Tom Winn was admitted to hospital last week and is still there. He is in good spirits and will hopefully be home soon. DA will send a get will soon card from the association.

  1. Update on visits 2021:

Isny Zoom: PF, BF und SW all reported that this event went very well. There was a good number of members from both Isny and Street that took part and it was lovely to see everyone.

  1. Future Fundraising and Events:

  1. Bric a Brac: PF said that it was a very good day, and they took more money than they had expected. BF said that it was a lovely sociable atmosphere and members had enjoyed helping on the stall. SW suggested that we do another one. DA reported that we do have some stock left but perhaps we need some more really good items for a stall.

b) Merriman Park Fun Day : DA confirmed that we have the extra space for another gazebo. There has been a good number of empties and full bottles of wine donated but more are still needed to make this event a success. FK, DA, CA und JK had got together to look at the bric a brac stock to decide whether it would be worth doing a tombola on the day. It was decided that we didn’t have the appropriate items for this to work. With the extra gazebo there will now be room to do a Play Your Cards Right game which will be kindly lent to us by the Lions Club. David Brunt has kindly offered to lend us his gazebo and we will be borrowing the Lions Club gazebo as well.

FK proposed to the Association to buy a display board so as we can have this along with information on a table next to Play Your Cards Right. We will be doing presentations at schools when the time is right and so a display board would be very good to have for future fundraisers and promotional events such as Discover Your Community. FK has looked for appropriately sized boards with 3 panels so as to display photos of places we have travelled to in Isny, France and England. Each panel is 90 x 60 and the total cost would be £115. FK sent a photo to the Committee WhatsApp group so as they could discuss it further. PF thought this would be a good idea. DA said it was a good idea and suggested the money could come from the Parish Council Grant as this was intended to use for the promotion of Street Twinning. FK proposed and it was carried by the rest of the Committee.

FK asked SW if she could go to the scrap store to obtain some wrapping paper for the bottles which she is happy to do. Wrapping will take place on Wed 1st Sept from 7.30pm at the Knights house. The water will be re-wrapped at the back of the gazebo as we go. FK would like a team each hour with at least one person with the Sum Up App so as people can pay contactless. Another email will go out asking for help. The weather is looking good for the event.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: JK has posted about Merriman Park Fun Day and also posted photos of the Street plaque, Isny Zoom and Bric a Brac. PF has updated the coronavirus statement on the Website.

  1. Publicity: KS has spoken with her friend who has a new local paper. He is happy to put in a report from the Twinning. SW said that she knows him and said he likes nostalgia and JK said that she has old photos which could be sent along with new ones. DA und JK will put something together.

  1. Lotterie: Congratulations to the winners of the August lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Winn and her neighbour as Tom is unwell.

1st Prize no.58 Tina Della Valle

2nd Prize no.24 Avril Berry

3 rd Prize no.75 Sam Richards

  1. Annual General Meeting:

DA proposed the fourth Wed in October for the AGM which is the 27th. It was traditionally held on a Wed but in recent times it has been on a Saturday. BF pointed out that this is half term and so a new date of Wed 20th October at 7.00pm was agreed by the Committee. There followed a discussion whether it should be face to face or by Zoom. SW und JK felt happy for an actual meeting. DA said that the meeting needs to be inclusive and so to physically meet would be preferable but to also enable people to join by Zoom if they are not yet ready for social interaction. DA will try to do a Zoom when he attends a meeting next week at the Crispin Community Centre. It was suggested to hold our AGM at either the Crispin Community Centre or the United Reform Church. FK pointed out that the fans at the Church are very noisy and this would be a problem if members were trying to hear a Zoom meeting. DA asked if the Community Centre is preferable rather than Crispin Hall and FK proposed the Community Centre and seconded by BF. FK stated that this is only 8 weeks away and there is a time scale to sending out emails. JK is happy to send out the appropriate emails in the time scale. BF stated that a lot of groups and events are starting again in September and so hopefully by October people will be happy to meet up again.

  1. AOB: PF suggested Zoom for the September meeting and DA agreed. DA said that he can’t attend the 22nd Sept at 7.30pm and probably neither could Tom Winn. A new time of 4pm on the 22nd Sept was agreed by the Committee for the next meeting.

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Meeting Closed at 8.45pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 22nd September at 4pm

To be held via Zoom.

Minutes July 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 28th July 2021. Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman)TW, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Paul Badman PB, Kay Strain KS


  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 rd Juni 2021: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: Peter Cole will be available to place the new plaque for the Merriman Park twinning tree very soon. DA has thanked Grinters for having the STA plaque on their wall and it has now been removed. PF und DA will arrange with Linda Ruff for it to be attached to the wall outside the Parish Rooms.

Gabbie Butler has decided to step down from the committee due to family commitments, we thank her for all her help over the years. She has said she will be very happy to continue to support and help at fundraising events. If any of our members would like to join the committee or find out more, please contact one of the committee members.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7341.05

Deposit account balance £8059.05

MR stated there will be a £10 float for the bric a brac and asks if this could be kept along with the money box ready for future events. DA agreed and will hold onto the float. MR was unable to use the STA payment card for the donation to Oxfam and so will use her own and be reimbursed by the association. Jenny has informed DA that his reply reference the Street Parish Council grant will be forwarded onto the finance department. DA reported that he has purchased a card terminal for fundraising events. To use it people will need to download an App on their mobile phone, he will take it to the bric a brac stall tomorrow and try it out. It will then be arranged for some members to download the App on their phones ready for Merriman Park.

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: Nothing to report

  1. Visits: Isny Zoom: BF confirmed that this will take place on Thurs 29th July and JK has circulated the link to all the Isny twinners. BF stated that some twinners have said they are unavailable this time so there will possibly be another in September.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

  1. Street Market Bric a Brac Thursday 29th Juli: BF said there is a lot of bric a brac items and a rota has been compiled, thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help. DA has printed out the risk assessment and insurance document ready for Suzanne Sharp. FK said that he will bring the fliers and general info about twinning.

  1. Merriman Park Fun Day Saturday 4th September: DA has put in the application for the stall. FK offered to own the stall and stated there are 35 bottles of wine, he will send an email shortly to ask for empty bottles of wine with the screw tops on. Unfortunately there will be no trip to France this year to buy wine and so in the email it will include a request for donations. DA will check that the gazebo is available to use again.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: Nothing to report on Facebook. DA will check the Covid statement on the Website and will update if necessary.

  1. Publicity: Nothing to report

  1. Lotterie: Congratulations to the winners of the July lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Winn and read out by TW during the zoom meeting. TW asked KS if she was still intending to take over the lottery and she stated she is happy to do this and they will get together shortly to hand things over.

1st Prize no.4 Gill Davey

2nd Prize no.49 David Mozley

3 rd Prize no.45 Catherine Atkins

  1. AOB: TW said that he felt face to face meetings would need to be in a large space due to covid and felt it was too soon for him to attend such a meeting at this time. MR agreed that it is too soon for her also. PF said that zoom works very well and he is happy to carry on with meetings in this way. BF agreed and said there isn’t a lot to discuss in the meetings at the moment. CA agreed that whilst the meetings are so short it isn’t worth getting together, there would be a lower number of committee members available for face to face as some are still isolating and there wouldn’t be enough present to make decisions. TW proposed to keep it as zoom and it was agreed. DA stated that the Crispin Community Centre would be a place we could use in the future which is a reasonable sized room and enable social distancing and costs £15 an hour.

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for their support and attending the meeting.

Meeting Closed at 8pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 25th August 2021 at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.

Minutes June 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 23 rd Juni 2021. Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman) TW, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Marina Richards, Claire Axten, Käfige Butler, Sally Holz, Paul Badman

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 26th Mai 2021:

DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda:

Reg has said that he is happy for his Isny print to be displayed in the Street Parish rooms and will drop it over to them.

  1. Chairman’s Report:

New plaque for tree in Merriman Parkdate to place: No date for this as yet but should be within the next few weeks.

The Plaque outside Grinters has not been moved yet but DA will go into Grinters to let them know someone will be removing it very soon, he will thank them at the same time.

  1. Secretary’s Report:

JK received an email from Jenny Marshfield the assistant clerk at Street Parish Council, asking her to share a survey targeted at Street residents about future grants. The committee will take a look at the survey and discuss before sending it to members.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7399.79

Deposit account balance £8058.98

Grant Application to Street Parish Council 2022: A grant application form for 2022 has been received which needs to be in by Aug 2021. TW proposed that we should apply. BF agreed with the proviso that the trips in 2022 go ahead which are important after the last two years, if the trips aren’t able to go ahead then perhaps we shouldn’t take it. DA stated that the last grant was given to the association with the view of being able to give a bursary to new members visiting either France or Germany for the first time, this will hopefully be in 2022. TW und PF suggested applying for the grant on previous experience of what we would like to use the money for. TW suggested a provisional application as things are so uncertain at the moment. BF stated that perhaps we have not used the previous grant yet. DA felt that it would be difficult to justify applying for the grant. We have received a grant and not yet spent it and due to the circumstances we cannot be sure that we will spend it in 2022. The fact we have a large sum of money in the reserves account needs to be justified to ourselves before we can justify it to others. There has been a lot of change within the parish councillors in recent times and there is a lot more scrutiny in giving grants. FK seconded the motion to hold off applying for the grant as we have not spent the previous one and have reserves. DA will draft a reply and send it to the committee to read before sending.

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare:

DA has received an email from Claire Axten. She is standing down from the committee but will continue to twin. BF had spoken with Claire and can confirm that she will be very happy to still help with the smaller Isny committee when arranging exchanges. Gabbie Butler has also expressed that she is unable to attend committee meetings and DA will contact her to follow up.

We need at least a couple more members to join the committee. As stated in the constitution at least 8 committee members must be present at the meeting to be able to make decisions. If any of our members would be interested in joining the committee or finding out more please could you contact either DA or JK.

  1. Visits:

Second Zoom with Isny: BF has emailed Isny with dates when DA is available and has proposed a zoom in July. She is waiting to hear back from Isny with dates they are available. BF has received an email from Isny as a paper would like to do a report on twinning and the covid situation. BF checked with the committee about things that should be included, suggestions from the committee were that schools and colleges are open and the Street market in now open again. JK gave some perspective from working in a local doctor’s surgery i.e.masks are still having to be worn and precautions taken with regards to the new variant. Lateral flow tests are available free of charge from pharmacies and a lot of people are getting their vaccines including a good uptake from the younger generation.

  1. Fundraising and Events. 29th July Street market stall booked:

DA asked for committee members views on whether we should go ahead with the market stall. FK said that if the market is open then yes, we should go ahead and TW seconded this motion. DA asked for a committee member to offer to own this as an email will need to be sent to members and a rota organised. Unfortunately no one felt able to organise this fundraiser. BF agreed to write the email to find out how many members would be able to help to see if it is viable to go ahead. FK stated that he has the tables for the event and offered to set up the gazebo which is usually borrowed from the Parish Council. CA stated that the very end stall outside the post office is a good spot for unloading and loading as you can drive easily to it.

Subsequent to the meeting BF agreed to “leadthe bric a brac stall subject to there being sufficient members to help on the stall and a location for unsold items to be stored or a suitable recipient found for them.

FK said that if Merriman goes ahead as planned, we need to start collecting screw top wine bottles. We have 35 bottles of wine in stock but no empty bottles. DA is unsure whether he can get wine from France in time this year. JK will send out an email requesting empty screw top wine bottles and donations of bottles of wine.

  1. Webseite & Facebook:

Video from ND de Gravenchon: The video is now on the website. Sharon has emailed her thanks to everyone for making this possible with special thanks to Ben Atkins.

  1. Publicity:

UpdateStar Plaque from Street Parish Council: To be discussed at the next committee meeting.

  1. Lotterie:

Congratulations to the winners of the June lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Winn and read out by TW during the zoom meeting.

1st Prize no.30 Cameron Richards

2nd Prize no.6 Kay Strain

3 rd Prize no.10 will be gifted to Oxfam

  1. AOB: None

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He is happy to continue with zoom for the July meeting, agreed by TW and the committee.

Meeting Closed at 8.20pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 28th July at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.

Minutes May 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 26th Mai 2021. Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman)TW, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Kay Strain KS

ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Claire Axten, Käfige Butler, Sally Wood and Paul Badman

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 28th April 2021: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: Nothing to report

  1. Secretary’s Report: Sharon had sent a video to JK to share on the Twinning Website. Unfortunately we did not get permission to include 3 photos of Brookside school children and so the video will need to be edited and the music resynced. Patrice who created the video is not available to edit it. JK asked is anyone knew how to do this.

DA will ask his son who may be able to do this for us.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: MR stated that the financial report now reflects the membership payments being carried over. We have received the Parish Council grant of £1000. DA has acknowledged receipt with a reply to the Parish Council that Autumn will be the earliest we can use it to promote Twinning. When we are fully up and running again DA said the committee will be looking at the amount the association has in its reserves.

Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7434.79

Deposit account balance £8058.92

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: FK informed the committee that whilst in Merriman Park he had seen a bench in memory of William Berry. It is in a lovely position near to the twinning tree.

  1. Visits:

Zoom with Gravenchon: Many members have said how much they enjoyed the evening. Sharon has given feedback from France that everyone thought it went really well, they enjoyed it and look forward to doing another one in the Autumn. JK has put photos of the event on Facebook.

Second Zoom with Isny: No reply from Veronica yet

FK reported that he had read information on GOV.UK about the proposed new rules for travelling to Europe. These include proof of accommodation, if you’re staying in a hotel then that’s easy but if it is at a private residence, such as when we twin, the host family need to apply for a statement from their local government stating their intention to host usthey then send a copy to us for us to show officials as we enter France. The proposed cost to them is 30 euros per family. The same will apply for going to Germany at a cost of 29 Euros per family.

Our passports will need to have at least 6 months of validity left for travel.

From mid to late 2022 we will also need to apply for an ETIAS. This is an EU wide initiative which is basically pre-checking individuals travelling to the EU for possible criminal records and terrorist activities! The cost to us will be 7 euros (under 18’s and over 70’s free) and an ETIAS will last 3 years or up to when your passport expires.

Up until Oct 2021 the French will be able to continue to use their identity cards to travel to England but after that they may need to get a passport.

Not all of this has been finalised yet but DA agreed that we will need to make sure that everyone travelling has the correct documentation and there will be extra administration for the mini committees when organising travel.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

Pitch at Street’s Thursday Market 29th July requested. TW checked that this is in the school holidays which DA confirmed that it is. BF said that she knew of a village bric a brac that had been advertised on social media. There were suggestions of holding a bric a brac in a larger space where other people could also have stalls and would enable more money to be raised. A couple villages have held similar events where the gardens doing a stall are plotted on a map. To be discussed again.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: JK stated that Germany have recently celebrated Mother and Fathers Days which she posted on Facebook. This had lots of likes from both sides of the water. Mother’s Day in France will be on 30th May and JK will do a post for this.

PF has posted the minutes onto the Website and has archived older minutes. He hasn’t looked into possibly increasing the storage limit yet.

  1. Publicity:

Update - Various plaques and items with Street Parish Council

DA suggested that it would be nice to have a get together in Merriman Park when the new plaque is set up by the tree.

The Parish Council have agreed for the twinning plaque outside of Grinters pet shop to be put onto the outside wall of the parish rooms. DA und PF will arrange this.

The Parish Council would like to put Reg Alfords Isny print in the Parish rooms. JK will contact Reg.

The twinning gifts are in a cabinet up the stairs in the newly furbished parish rooms.

The tapestry from the old library is hanging in one of the meeting rooms.

  1. Lotterie: Congratulations to the winners of the May lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Winn and read out by TW during the zoom meeting.

1st Prize no.26 David Atkins

2nd Prize no.48 Martin Butler

3 rd Prize no.14 Claire Brunt

  1. AOB: None

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA asked for the committees thoughts on having a face to face committee meeting in June. TW thought it was a little early and MR und PF agreed. DA will arrange the June committee zoom meeting with the hope to meet up in July but this will be reviewed again at the next meeting.

DA closed the meeting by thanking everyone for attending.

Meeting Closed at 8.06pm

Termin der nächsten Sitzung: Wednesday 23 rd June at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.