Minutes July 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 28th July 2021. Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

VORHANDEN: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman)TW, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Ritter (Sekretär) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Paul Badman PB, Kay Strain KS


  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 rd Juni 2021: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: Peter Cole will be available to place the new plaque for the Merriman Park twinning tree very soon. DA has thanked Grinters for having the STA plaque on their wall and it has now been removed. PF und DA will arrange with Linda Ruff for it to be attached to the wall outside the Parish Rooms.

Gabbie Butler has decided to step down from the committee due to family commitments, we thank her for all her help over the years. She has said she will be very happy to continue to support and help at fundraising events. If any of our members would like to join the committee or find out more, please contact one of the committee members.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7341.05

Deposit account balance £8059.05

MR stated there will be a £10 float for the bric a brac and asks if this could be kept along with the money box ready for future events. DA agreed and will hold onto the float. MR was unable to use the STA payment card for the donation to Oxfam and so will use her own and be reimbursed by the association. Jenny has informed DA that his reply reference the Street Parish Council grant will be forwarded onto the finance department. DA reported that he has purchased a card terminal for fundraising events. To use it people will need to download an App on their mobile phone, he will take it to the bric a brac stall tomorrow and try it out. It will then be arranged for some members to download the App on their phones ready for Merriman Park.

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: Nothing to report

  1. Visits: Isny Zoom: BF confirmed that this will take place on Thurs 29th July and JK has circulated the link to all the Isny twinners. BF stated that some twinners have said they are unavailable this time so there will possibly be another in September.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

  1. Street Market Bric a Brac Thursday 29th Juli: BF said there is a lot of bric a brac items and a rota has been compiled, thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help. DA has printed out the risk assessment and insurance document ready for Suzanne Sharp. FK said that he will bring the fliers and general info about twinning.

  1. Merriman Park Fun Day Saturday 4th September: DA has put in the application for the stall. FK offered to own the stall and stated there are 35 bottles of wine, he will send an email shortly to ask for empty bottles of wine with the screw tops on. Unfortunately there will be no trip to France this year to buy wine and so in the email it will include a request for donations. DA will check that the gazebo is available to use again.

  1. Webseite & Facebook: Nothing to report on Facebook. DA will check the Covid statement on the Website and will update if necessary.

  1. Publicity: Nothing to report

  1. Lotterie: Congratulations to the winners of the July lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Winn and read out by TW during the zoom meeting. TW asked KS if she was still intending to take over the lottery and she stated she is happy to do this and they will get together shortly to hand things over.

1st Prize no.4 Gill Davey

2nd Prize no.49 David Mozley

3 rd Prize no.45 Catherine Atkins

  1. AOB: TW said that he felt face to face meetings would need to be in a large space due to covid and felt it was too soon for him to attend such a meeting at this time. MR agreed that it is too soon for her also. PF said that zoom works very well and he is happy to carry on with meetings in this way. BF agreed and said there isn’t a lot to discuss in the meetings at the moment. CA agreed that whilst the meetings are so short it isn’t worth getting together, there would be a lower number of committee members available for face to face as some are still isolating and there wouldn’t be enough present to make decisions. TW proposed to keep it as zoom and it was agreed. DA stated that the Crispin Community Centre would be a place we could use in the future which is a reasonable sized room and enable social distancing and costs £15 an hour.

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for their support and attending the meeting.

Meeting Closed at 8pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 25th August 2021 at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.