Minutes November 2017

Committee meeting held in the John Webster room at 7.30 on Wednesday 1st Nov 2017

1. THOSE PRESENT: David Brunt, Claire Axten, Käfige Butler, Marina Richards, Jacqui Ritter, Sally Holz, Dianne Baker, Peter Fry and Tom Winn.

2. ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Bernard Squire, Kay Strain, Barbara Fry, Barbara Cowell and Katrina Dumontroty, Reg Alford.
David took the chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a short address.

David checked that all had read the minutes of the October meeting. He then signed them as a true record.

Sally raised the issue of the procedure used at the meeting to elect officials. She was not aware of any rules but felt that a show of hands was not acceptable, especially with candidates present. It was also very embarrassing.

David agreed and said that although it was unusual to have more than one nomination, there should nevertheless be a recognised voting procedure identified in the constitution. He proposed a small sub-committee who would meet informally and recommend proposed amendments to the management committee. A revised constitution would be presented for acceptance at the next A.G.M.

At present we have a Membership Secretary (Katrina) and a Minutes Secretary (Kay). No one was prepared to fill the position to coordinate all general activities. It was therefore proposed to accept the current position, with the rider that members organising activities would be responsible for any related correspondence.

Marina presented an Income/expenditure statement covering the period from 1st September. She has received the checked accounts for the previous year and they are available for the committee to view.

a. Cristmas Cracker 2nd Dec
Jacqui and Katrina are organising the stall and Katrina will prepare the rota. Bottle wrapping for the Water/Wine will take place at Claire’s house, 25 Clockhouse View, on Thurs 30th Nov at 7.00 pm. Volunteer wrappers are required. Paper is available, but please bring your cellotape machines.
b. Christmas Party 8th Dec.
So far, only 27 tickets have been sold although many more are in circulation and additional ones are available on request. Please report numbers sold to Tom Winn by the last week in November.
Claire has volunteered to assume the role of caterer and obviously needs to be aware of numbers attending. Hall and entertainment are booked and Jackie is organising a photographic slide show of events throughout the year.
Sally will organise raffle prizes for the party and also the Christmas Cracker event on 2nd Dec. Any donations for prizes are welcome. Please give them to any committee member.
Further fundraising activities will be planned at future meetings

8.GRAVENCHON VISIT 2018 (30th May to 3rd June)
Coach and ferry have been booked and deposits paid. Further information will be provided when available. Numbers currently travelling are 44 adults and 7 children

9.VISIT FROM ISNY 2018 ( Bank Holiday weekend, 23rd to 28th August).
Waiting advice from Jenny Lewis regarding possible addition of a German musical group. Claire has a copy of the itinery for this year, available to anyone interested in future German twinning.

£20 R Lockyer
£10 Marisa Della Valle

11. A.G.M.
Any amendments to the constitution must be agreed by the membership at an open meeting. This will occur at the next A.G.M, date to be agreed.
Walton Village Hall is not available on Friday 1st Sept. It was agreed to keep to this date and Claire will try to book an alternative venue (possibly the United Reform Church hall).

Please check both, there is lots of interesting stuff!

13. A.O.B
Peter queried the availability of information/documentation for potential new members, particularly with a view to recruitment at the Christmas Party. As Katrina was not present it was agreed to raise this with her outside the meeting.

Wednesday 6th December at 7.30 pm in the John Webster room.