Minutes July 2018

Minutes of the committee meeting held in the John Webster room, Wednesday 4th July 2018

Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.
VORHANDEN: David Brunt (Vorsitzende), Claire Axten, Tom Winn, Reg Alford, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Käfige Butler, Barbara Cowell, Martin Cowell, Dianne Baker, Rebecca Wells, Doreen Nicholls, Kay Strain, Sally Holz
ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: Peter Fry, Barbara Fry, Bernard Squire, Katrina Dumontroty, Jacqui Ritter

1. David welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Proposed Revision of the constitution
The Chairman proposed to accept the modifications and all present were in favour.

3. David checked that everyone had read the minutes from the June meeting and signed them as a true record.

4. Entstandener Fragen
No items were raised.

5. Treasurers Report
The Strawberry Tea raised £274 and the raffle raised £86. Income from the Gravenchon trip was £5378 and the costs incurred were £5957.

6. Besuch Gravenchon
The visit was very successful and everyone had a great time. David received thank you notes from Liz & Jim Lidgate and also from Tina Della Valle.

7. Besuch aus Isny ​​ 2018
All arrangements are in hand, all transport, trips booked. There will be a further meeting on 30th July.

8. Website and Facebook
Both are being kept up to date.

9. Elmhurst School Barbecue
This went very well. David received a thank you from Rachel Prime.

10. Strawberry Tea
This was a great success. David has written on behalf of the Association to thank Avril and William for hosting the event.

11. Merriman Park Fun Day
The Fun Day is Saturday 1st September and we will be running the Water or Wine stall. Donations of bottles of wine would be very much appreciated and any screw top wine bottles (filled with water) are also needed. These can be left at Claire’s – 25 Clockhouse View, Street, thank you.

12. Cheese & Wine Evening
15th September, 7pm at the United Reformed Church, Street. Tickets available from any Committee Member. Ticket prices: £8.50 for adults and £3.50 for children. Adult ticket includes a glass of wine, further glasses will be available on a donation basis. If you have anything you could give for the raffle, please bring this on the night.

13. Straße Christmas Cracker
Saturday 1st December.

14. Christmas Party
Friday 7th December – more details in due course.

15. Besuch aus Gravenchon 2019
Proposed dates are Easter next year; arriving on Wednesday 17th April and departing on Sunday 21st April. New members are needed, couples and a French family with two boys aged 10 & 8 are looking for an English family. Rebecca mentioned that Brookside School will be having an assembly about the twinning next week. Kay to update and forward fliers to Rebecca.

16. Lotterie
Winners this month:
1st Prize David Mozley
2nd Prize Gill Davey
3rd Prize David Atkins

17. AOB
No points were raised.

Date of next meeting – Wednesday 1st August 2018, John Webster Zimmer, Parish Zimmer, Street.

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