Minutes March 2018

Minutes of the committee meeting held in the John Webster room, Wednesday 7th March 2018 La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.

ACTUELLE: David Brunt (chairman), Tom Winn, Jacqui Chevalier, Katrina Dumontroty, Barbara Fry, Peter Fry, Reg Alford, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Sally Bois, Cages Butler, Kay Strain APOLOGIES: Bernard Squire, Dianne Baker, Claire Axten, Barbara Cowell

1. David welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. David checked that everyone had read the minutes from the January meeting and signed them as a true record.

3. Questions découlant

No items were raised.

4. Treasurers Report

Balance payments are coming in for the trip to Gravenchon. Final payment (£105 for adults and £50 for children) are due by 14th March.

No further lottery ticket money has been received.

5. Visite de Gravenchon

30th May - 3rd June. An early start on the Wednesday, returning late on Sunday night. Timings to be confirmed.

Strode College have confirmed that members can leave their cars in their car park (on the far left hand side).

One French family (Mum, Dad and two girls aged 10 et 15) are looking for a family to host. If you know of anyone please let one of the committee members know a.s.a.p.

6. Visite de Isny 2018

Visitors will be here for 7 days/6 nights and will be picked up from Heathrow Airport. They will visit Windsor on the way to Street.

Other visits include a trip to the Willows and Wetlands, SS Great Britain, Lyme Regis.

There will also be a Beetledrive, quiz and supper. Full details nearer the time.

7. Website and Facebook

Both being kept up to date.

8. Fundraising

There will be a Strawberry Tea, date to be confirmed. Cheese and Wine – to be confirmed. Glastonbury Male Voice Choir – it was agreed to book the choir for a date in March 2019. A Bingo night was suggested – more details to follow.

9. Amendments to the Constitution

Amending/revising the Constitution has come about following discussion about the election of officers. A sub-committee is looking at revising the constitution to be more suitable for our needs.

10. Loterie

Winners this month:

1st Prize Claire Brunt 2nd Prize David Mozley 3rd Prize Martyn Butler

11. AOB

Membership Cards will be issued next week.

Date of next meeting – Wednesday 4th April 2018

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