Procès-verbal de la réunion du Comité tenue à la Chambre John Webster mercredi 2e Août 2017.
La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.
ACTUELLE: Bernard Squire, David Brunt, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Jacqui Chevalier, Dianne Baker, Reg Alford, Sally Bois, Kay Strain
EXCUSES: Claire Axten, Tom Winn, Peter & Barbara Fry, Katrina Dumontroty, Cages Butler, Barbara Cowell
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Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
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Bernard checked that everyone had read the minutes from the meeting in July and signed them as a true record. |
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Questions découlant
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Treasurers Report Marina reported that she had received some deposits for the 2018 trip to Gravenchon. |
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Gravenchon visit 2018 (30e May to 3RD Juin) Coach has been booked, ferry will be booked by Katrina. Please return all forms a.s.a.p. and deposits (£20 adults/£10 children) par 1st September please. |
Katrina |
6. |
Visit to Isny (25e à 30e Août) Barbara (Fry) presented the wall hanging that will be given to the Isny Twinning Association. Everyone thought it was wonderful and expressed their thanks for all the hard work put into making it. A photograph will be available once it has been finished. |
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AGA As above. |
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Site & Facebook Jacqui will put a request out for help with the wrapping of wine bottles. |
Jacqui |
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Loterie Premier prix - 47 David Brunt Second Prize – 10 Katrina Dumontroty |
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Date de la prochaine réunion Friday 1st Septembre, United Reformed Church, 7.30pm. |