Minutes April 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 28e Avril 2021. La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

ACTUELLE: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman)TW, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Chevalier (secrétaire) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Sally Bois SW and David Brunt

EXCUSES: Gabbie Butler, Paul Badman and Kay Strain

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 24e Mars 2021:

DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed by a show of hands that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report:

DA stated that it was felt that the association gave Trevor Skinner an appropriate send off and thanked all the members that attended. He sent a sympathy card and flowers on behalf of the association. Thank you to both BF et JK for contacting Isny and Gravenchon about Trevor’s passing.

  1. Secretary’s Report: None

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

The financial report was circulated before the meeting and it is attached to the end of the minutes. TW questioned the inclusion of the £50 payment to the accountant on the recent financial report. MR clarified that is was paid in Oct 2020 and so it will show in the 2021 expenditure.

FW asked if the membership fees should be split as some are donations and some will be carried over to next year’s membership fees. DA said this was a valid point from an accounting perspective. Some of the total isn’t this year’s income but will come into next year’s accounting. DA et MR will look at this and adjust the figures so it shows a true picture

Current account balance £6469.79

Deposit account balance £8058.85

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare:

David Brunt stated that membership appears to be lower than it used to be, still have the age old problem of local people not knowing we exist or what we do. He acknowledged that there is not much we can do at this current time but he felt there is no definitive description of what we do or stand for as an organisation. DA responded by saying that when we applied for the Parish Council grant it was partly so as we can produce a leaflet to give to people and schools but this will be done when the environment is suitable i.e. not during the pandemic. The website is currently being updated and does state what we do and why we exist but people do need to know we exist so as they look at the website. We are due to get the grant by the end of April and then we can move ahead with publicity.

  1. Visits:

Zoom with Gravenchon: Both DA et JK are talking with Sharon to arrange this. Some have decided not to take part but people are still encouraged to join and listen with no pressure to talk. JK will wait for an update from Sharon before sending out an email to confirm families so as possible dates can be looked at.

Second Zoom with Isny: after we know what the Gravenchon Zoom date is then BF will contact Isny to arrange a date for the Isny Zoom.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

Request pitch at Thursday Market in July? TW asked if there is any bric a brac? BF said yes there is and she proposed that we wait until the summer holidays as even though the market is picking up it isn’t busy at the moment. It was agreed that DA will send an email to ask for a pitch in a few monthstime.

Once things have calmed down DA suggested a get together, perhaps a picnic in the park so as people can meet up and socialise again in the fresh air. SW agreed this was a good idea.

David Brunt asked for update on Merriman Park. DA confirmed that it will go ahead as long as nothing changes in the upcoming months as to the pandemic. David Brunt proposed we have our stall there again and this was agreed.

  1. Site & Facebook :

PF stated that he and DA have looked at the website and tidied it up. PF realised that we are well over our allowance of storage so we can either reduce or archive some items or pay for more space. There is now a Minute Archive section to click on which takes you to a link in google drive and some minutes have been moved over. If people become happy to click on the link then perhaps some photos can be moved there as well as it would be a shame to remove them as it is fun to reminisce. He asked if we could all take a look and give feedback to see if easy to use. DA thanked PF for what he has done and stated that he had taken a look and it is easy to use.

All the links are now updated and correct with the Gravenchon and Isny Websites.

JK stated that recently on the twinning Facebook page there was a memory from 4yrs ago when our tree was planted. She reposted it along with an updated photo of the tree and said that the tree looks very healthy with lots of buds on it.

  1. Publicity:

Plaque by tree in Merriman Park: DA has not ordered this yet but has the stake ready to attach it which cost the association £5.

Plaque on wall of Grinters in High Street: DA took a look at it and photos were circulated. PF has offered help to refurbish it whether it can be done in situ or whether it needs to come off the wall, there won’t be any costs involved.

SW went to see the plaque and said that she had forgotten it was there as it is not in a very prominent position and easy to miss on the side of the building. David Brunt stated that originally it was on the front of Living Homes but when they refurbished they didn’t want it there and Grinters was the only place available and kind enough to allow it to be attached to their wall. It was suggested that the council offices could now be an option. DA offered to ask a parish councillor and David Brunt reminded us to thank Grinters for accommodating it for this time.

DA asked if anyone had known what had happened to the tiles that were made in Gravenchon and presented on a plaque to the Parish Council during their last visit to Street. DA offered to also ask about this and to find out what possible plans there are for them.

  1. Loterie:

Congratulations to the winners of the April lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Winn and read out by TW during the zoom meeting.

1st Prize no.23 Peter Fry

2e Prize no.57 Danniela Della Valle

3RD Prize no.4 Gill Davey

TW stated that he has emailed Kay Strain about the possibility of her taking over the lottery but had not heard back from Kay as yet.

  1. AOB:

Reg Alford has said that he has a framed print 20x14in of the 18e century Isny original presented to him when he travelled to Isny. He wonders if Street Twinning would like it, maybe to display with the other items given to the Parish Council or auction or raffle it. SW stated that she was given a similar one as a personal gift like Reg.

TW asked if the Parish Council still have all the items that were given to them by the twinning towns? DA suggested that perhaps it would be an idea to possibly offer the print to the parish council. He offered to ask about the print and the gifts when he speaks with the Parish Council about the plaque. This was agreed by the committee. David Brunt mentioned that a large tapestry from Gravenchon used to hang in the old library and wondered what had happened to it. He said that it was given to the Council many years ago and before his time with the association. DA is happy to ask about this as well.

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting and for continuing to support the association. The May meeting might be the last virtual meeting and then DA is hoping that perhaps we might be able to meet in person.

Meeting Closed at 8.22pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 26e Mai 2021 at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.