Minutes February 2019

Minutes of the committee meeting held in the John Webster room.

Wednesday 27th February 2019. La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.

Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence
ACTUELLE: David Brunt (chairman) DB, Tom Winn TW, Jacqui Knight JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Claire Axten Cl.A, Trevor Skinner TS, Francis Knight FK, Kay Strain KS, Cages Butler, Catherine Atkins Ca.A, David Atkins DA, Rebecca Wells RW and Sheila Urwin
EXCUSES: Marina Richards, Katrina Dumontroty, Paul Badman
  1. Minutes of the January meeting

    DB checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and signed them as a true record

  2. Questions découlant

    No matters arising

  3. Treasurers Report

    Marin, the treasurer, was not present at the meeting. Carried over (After the meeting the secretary received the following figures from the treasurer)

    Current account balance £4694.43

    Reserve account balance £8036.84

  4. Financial Procedures Working Group (Marin, Tom and Catherine)

    Carried over

  5. Membership update and renewals

    JK reported that all membership fees have been received.

  6. Visite de Gravenchon 2019

    JK reported that all replies had been received

    Food update: The Dinner/Dance meal is 3 courses; cold platter to start, Roast pork with all the trimmings and for dessert Pavlova or trifle. There will be a vegetarian option but please inform JK ASAP of any dietary requirements so as the caterer can be informed of numbers. The meal in Minehead is battered fish, chips and peas. If you have not already done so please contact JK if this is not suitable due to dietary requirements

    Spare seats to Minehead: Please contact JK ASAP on 01458 840471 or email jacqui1308@btinternet.com on a first come first serve basis.
    Extra seats are £35 per adult and £15 for under 18’s. (If you are a National Trust Member you do not need to pay to get into Dunster Castle reducing the adult price to £23.50, no reduction for children as £15 is a reduced price as a donation towards travel and food)

    DA asked about the possibility of mixing French and English on the coaches. JK stated that due to the French Coach insurance this is unfortunately not possible.

    Cl.A presented two options to the committee for the Street Parish Council reception on Monday 8th April in Crispin Hall. A cream tea from 4pm - 6pm or Food and Drink from 6pm - 8pm. The decision was made by the committee to have the event at the later time of 6pm - 8pm so as it does not cut into the free day too much. Cl.A will report back to the Parish Council.

    The Sub Committee are meeting again on Monday 4th March

  7. Visit to Isny 2019

    BF reported that the Isny organising committee now have the list of hosts and there will be some new twinners travelling to Isny in October. They hope to book the flights within the next few weeks.

  8. Publicity / recruitment of new members

    JK asked if the letter to schools discussed at the January meeting could be postponed until after the visit from Gravenchon. This was agreed.

  9. Plaque outside Grinter’s pet shop

    DB spoke about the Street Twinning plaque which was originally on the side of Living Homes. When the building was renovated it was moved to the side wall of Grinter’s pet shop in the High Street. Martyn Butler noticed it was in disrepair and offered to restore it. GB reported that he has started the restoration and DB asked GB to thank him on behalf of the Twinning.

  10. Fundraising for 2019

    Quiz report:
    Tickets sold £125
    Raffle £82
    Total takings £207
    TS kindly donated the prizes and TW booked the hall at no cost to the twinning

    The Street Twinning Winter Quiz was held at The Victroria Club on 8th February. It was a very successful and enjoyable evening. DB and the committee thanked TS for organising and hosting the event. It was well publicised and attended by both members and non-members. DB would also like to thank everyone who donated raffle prizes and helped set up and pack away on the night. TS made a special mention to Jean Howard who kindly allowed use of the bridge tables which made a big difference as the Victoria club tables would have been too big for teams of four.
    TS agreed to do another quiz in November

    Cheese and Wine
    Tina Della Valle has kindly offered to host this event again at her home in Street. The date is set for Friday 17th May. Ticket price and further details to follow shortly. GB offered to follow up with Tina for the finer details

    Strawberry Tea
    Avril and William Berry will be contacted to ask if they would like to host this event again

    DB had received an email from Tina with the idea of holding a choir event in a local church. A mixture of choirs in 20min slots which could include musicians. DA commented that this could be a very good fundraiser but would take a lot of organising. Carried over

  11. Site / Facebook /Twitter

    All being kept up to date

  12. Lottery winners this month
    1st no. 55 Bernard Squire
    2nd no. 19 Trevor Skinner
    3rd no. 45 David Mozley
    DB will contact Marina reference cheques for the winners

  13. AOB

    GB stated that Martyn has a large piece of wood that he would be happy to cut into a photo prop for the Dinner Dance. It was agreed that as we will be travelling by train to Minehead that it would be lovely to have a cut out of a train for putting heads through to take photos.
    (After the meeting TS mentioned having another Bric a Brac stall at the Street Market. Carried over to next meeting)

Date de la prochaine réunion: Wednesday 27th March at 7.30 pm in the John Webster Parish Rooms