Minutes June 2022

Minutes of the committee meeting held at Peter and Barbara Fry’s house.

Wednesday 22e Juin 2022. The meeting started at 7.30pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

ACTUELLE: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Chevalier (secrétaire) JK, Peter Fry PF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Sally Bois SW, David Mozley DM

EXCUSES: Paul Badman, Kay Strain and Nina Swift

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 25e Mai 2022: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: None

  1. Chairman’s Report: At last months meeting Nina Swift had said we may be able to use the Parish rooms for future meetings. DA reported that we would have to apply for a grant to use the room for no cost instead of paying £8 an hour. The deadline for applying for this grant is Aug and so it was agreed by the committee that DA will fill in the form to apply.

For our AGM the Crispin Community room has been booked for Saturday 15e October from 2 – 4.30pm

DA will be discussing the plaque from Gravenchon with Linda at the Parish rooms shortly.

Cllr. Laura Wolfers will be travelling to Gravenchon soon and has expressed an interest in meeting with Virginie the Mayor of Gravenchon. Cllr. Wolfers has been put in touch with Sharon in Gravenchon to help with arrangements.

DA has sent an email to Gravenchon and Isny to discuss future exchange dates.

  1. Secretary’s Report: JK has sent the Newsletter to all our members.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £8835.98

Deposit account balance £8060.93

There is now a facility to photograph a cheque which will make it easier and quicker to pay cheques into the bank. Please could everyone put their name as the reference when making a payment by BACS. On the back of cheques please write what the payment is for. MR reported that there has been a monthly payment of £3 taken by BAUER. This is possibly linked to the SumUp card machine and will be looked into.

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: JK continues to recover well from her foot operation. We have 53 members including 6 children.

  1. Visits: Gravenchon Wed 26eSunday 30e Octobre 2022: We have potentially 25 members travelling to Gravenchon with another 9 that are unsure at this time. Sharon has been away recently but JK hopes to speak with her about hosts in the next week or so. CA reported that we have had some quotes from Bakers coaches in Yeovil. Ferry and Channel tunnel prices will be released in July.

A mini group will be meeting on Tues 12e July to start planning for the trip and to make sure we are aware of any new rules due to Covid or Brexit that our members need to be aware of. The channel tunnel is likely to be more expensive going by the coach quote and also it might not be viable due to the long journey on the coach. MR could remember a previous trip to Gravenchon through the tunnel and many members had stated they would not like to do it again and preferred travelling by ferry. JK will send out an email to everyone who has shown interest in this visit and this will include passport rules once the government website has been checked.

BF mentioned that there were some members who were sewing some aprons and bunting which were originally taken to Isny. More were being made to take to Gravenchon and then the trip had to be cancelled and so we would like anyone who still has any to get in touch. It would be lovely to still take some over with us.

BF reported that Isny have run into an issue with zoom as they use the town hall for this but are unable to do so at the present time.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

VicFest Saturday 2md July: We unfortunately don’t have enough members to help on the stall and so JK will send an email to the contact at the Victoria Club apologising that Street Twinning will no longer be attending.

Summer Social Saturday 6e Août: MR et SW offered to organise this event. An email will go out to all members once we know more details. There may be a small cost to members attending but only to cover the cost of food as this is a social event rather than a fund raiser. MR will contact Avril Berry.

Merriman Park Fun Day Saturday 3RD Sept: FK has volunteered to run this event. Please start collecting your empty screw top wine bottles and we would also like donations of full ones. Hold on to these for the moment until nearer the time. More details will follow as we will need volunteers to man the stall and to help wrap the bottles ready for the day. DA et CA will be purchasing some wine for the stall when they go to France.

  1. Site & Facebook: PF has put the minutes on the Website and JK has posted on Facebook Father’s Day for both England and France.

  1. Publicity: DA showed the committee a draft of the brochure which will help to promote Twinning. JK will add some photos. It will cost £80 for 100 brochures. The final draft will be shown to the committee before it goes to print.

  1. Loterie: Kay was away and able to attend the meeting. The numbers were drawn a few days later. Congratulations to the winners of the June lottery.

1st prize no.70 - Tony Della-Valle
2e prize no.18 - Francesco Della-Valle
3RD prize no.11 - Avril Berry

  1. AOB: PF et BF have kindly offered their house again as the venue for next months meeting.

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked Peter and Barbara for opening their home to the meeting and thanked everyone for coming along and supporting twinning.

Meeting Closed at 8.33pm

Date de la prochaine réunion: Wednesday 27e July at 7.30pm

To be held at the Fry’s house

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