Minutes June 2021

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 23RD Juin 2021. La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

ACTUELLE: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman) TW, Jacqui Chevalier (secrétaire) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA

EXCUSES: Marina Richards, Claire Axten, Cages Butler, Sally Bois, Paul Badman

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 26e Mai 2021:

DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda:

Reg has said that he is happy for his Isny print to be displayed in the Street Parish rooms and will drop it over to them.

  1. Chairman’s Report:

New plaque for tree in Merriman Parkdate to place: No date for this as yet but should be within the next few weeks.

The Plaque outside Grinters has not been moved yet but DA will go into Grinters to let them know someone will be removing it very soon, he will thank them at the same time.

  1. Secretary’s Report:

JK received an email from Jenny Marshfield the assistant clerk at Street Parish Council, asking her to share a survey targeted at Street residents about future grants. The committee will take a look at the survey and discuss before sending it to members.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.

Current account balance £7399.79

Deposit account balance £8058.98

Grant Application to Street Parish Council 2022: A grant application form for 2022 has been received which needs to be in by Aug 2021. TW proposed that we should apply. BF agreed with the proviso that the trips in 2022 go ahead which are important after the last two years, if the trips aren’t able to go ahead then perhaps we shouldn’t take it. DA stated that the last grant was given to the association with the view of being able to give a bursary to new members visiting either France or Germany for the first time, this will hopefully be in 2022. TW et PF suggested applying for the grant on previous experience of what we would like to use the money for. TW suggested a provisional application as things are so uncertain at the moment. BF stated that perhaps we have not used the previous grant yet. DA felt that it would be difficult to justify applying for the grant. We have received a grant and not yet spent it and due to the circumstances we cannot be sure that we will spend it in 2022. The fact we have a large sum of money in the reserves account needs to be justified to ourselves before we can justify it to others. There has been a lot of change within the parish councillors in recent times and there is a lot more scrutiny in giving grants. FK seconded the motion to hold off applying for the grant as we have not spent the previous one and have reserves. DA will draft a reply and send it to the committee to read before sending.

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare:

DA has received an email from Claire Axten. She is standing down from the committee but will continue to twin. BF had spoken with Claire and can confirm that she will be very happy to still help with the smaller Isny committee when arranging exchanges. Gabbie Butler has also expressed that she is unable to attend committee meetings and DA will contact her to follow up.

We need at least a couple more members to join the committee. As stated in the constitution at least 8 committee members must be present at the meeting to be able to make decisions. If any of our members would be interested in joining the committee or finding out more please could you contact either DA or JK.

  1. Visits:

Second Zoom with Isny: BF has emailed Isny with dates when DA is available and has proposed a zoom in July. She is waiting to hear back from Isny with dates they are available. BF has received an email from Isny as a paper would like to do a report on twinning and the covid situation. BF checked with the committee about things that should be included, suggestions from the committee were that schools and colleges are open and the Street market in now open again. JK gave some perspective from working in a local doctor’s surgery i.e.masks are still having to be worn and precautions taken with regards to the new variant. Lateral flow tests are available free of charge from pharmacies and a lot of people are getting their vaccines including a good uptake from the younger generation.

  1. Fundraising and Events. 29e July Street market stall booked:

DA asked for committee members views on whether we should go ahead with the market stall. FK said that if the market is open then yes, we should go ahead and TW seconded this motion. DA asked for a committee member to offer to own this as an email will need to be sent to members and a rota organised. Unfortunately no one felt able to organise this fundraiser. BF agreed to write the email to find out how many members would be able to help to see if it is viable to go ahead. FK stated that he has the tables for the event and offered to set up the gazebo which is usually borrowed from the Parish Council. CA stated that the very end stall outside the post office is a good spot for unloading and loading as you can drive easily to it.

Subsequent to the meeting BF agreed to “leadthe bric a brac stall subject to there being sufficient members to help on the stall and a location for unsold items to be stored or a suitable recipient found for them.

FK said that if Merriman goes ahead as planned, we need to start collecting screw top wine bottles. We have 35 bottles of wine in stock but no empty bottles. DA is unsure whether he can get wine from France in time this year. JK will send out an email requesting empty screw top wine bottles and donations of bottles of wine.

  1. Site & Facebook:

Video from ND de Gravenchon: The video is now on the website. Sharon has emailed her thanks to everyone for making this possible with special thanks to Ben Atkins.

  1. Publicity:

UpdateStar Plaque from Street Parish Council: To be discussed at the next committee meeting.

  1. Loterie:

Congratulations to the winners of the June lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Winn and read out by TW during the zoom meeting.

1st Prize no.30 Cameron Richards

2e Prize no.6 Kay Strain

3RD Prize no.10 will be gifted to Oxfam

  1. AOB: None

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He is happy to continue with zoom for the July meeting, agreed by TW and the committee.

Meeting Closed at 8.20pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 28e July at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom.

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