Minutes July 2020

Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.

Wednesday 22e Juillet 2020. La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.


1.      Welcome and apologies for absence


ACTUELLE: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Tom Winn (vice chairman) TW, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Chevalier (secrétaire) JK, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Trevor Skinner TS, Francis Knight FK, Cages Butler GB, Catherine Atkins Ca.A, Sally Bois SW, Kay Strain KS

EXCUSES: Claire Axten and Paul Badman


2.      Minutes of the meeting held on 26e Février: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.


3.      Matters Arising not on Agenda: DA will be in contact with the sub committees considering our Reserves and Guidelines for Event Organisation now we are up and running again and he would like to put the two items to bed before the AGM in October.


4.      Chairman’s Report: DA stated that all venues for planned events for 2020 had been contacted and cancelled, incurring no fees. Events cancelled are the Quiz, Merriman park fun day, all committee meetings until further notice at The Mullions and the Bric a Brac stall. No costs incurred for cancelling the visit to France or the visit from Isny. The cancellations for the visits came from our twinning partners and we fully support their decision.


5.      Secretary’s Report: JK had nothing to report


6.      Treasurer’s Report: Please see financial report at the end of the minutes. MR stated that members who had paid for the trip to France have all now received full refunds.

Current account balance £5,404.81

Deposit account balance £8,058.25


7.      Membership & Member’s Welfare: JK reported that there is no change to membership numbers 60 adults and 6 children. KS had visited Hazel and Ivor Russel who are ex members and current supporters of Street Twinning. Hazel has been quite poorly recently. DA will send her a card from the Twinning.


8.      Planning our visits for 2021: It was agreed by the committee to roll everything over to 2021. The committee looked at the school holiday dates for next year and the only overlap for France would be in the summer holidays. JK was asked her opinion as the Knights were the only family due to travel to Gravenchon this year. She stated that it would be nice to visit when the French children are off school but they would be happy to visit France whilst the French children are at school if this makes it easier for everyone, as long as it was during the English school break. The committee agreed that it would be too much to fit in both exchanges in August when all children are off school. Also as Merriman park fun day is one of our biggest fundraisers it would be advisable to keep this date free and not clash with visits.

It was agreed by the committee that DA will contact Sharon in Gravenchon to say that we would like to visit them during April or May in the English half term.

It was agreed by the committee that BF will contact Veronica in Isny and suggest that they visit us from 31st July when both schools are on holiday.


9.      Future Fundraising and Events: TS has been in touch with the Victoria Club. They are not allowing the main hall to be used yet. Once it is available we could organise a quiz as there is enough room in the hall for social distancing. He has prepared the quiz questions already. He also suggested a sponsored walk. This could take place in a field and do laps with different start times, not as a group but individually raising sponsors.

SW said that she took part in a fun social distance treasure hunt in Street. Participants had a month to complete it. This could raise funds by possibly paying £5 each or per family. People can walk the whole event and perhaps have a cash prize. JK will send out an email to gauge member’s feelings about doing these fundraising ideas and to see if anyone has any further suggestions.

PF suggested a Bric a Brac stall as the Street Market is now open again. It was felt that maybe it is too soon for this at the moment. BF said that they have quite a lot of Bric a Brac and PF suggested selling the really good items on line with photos, collection only. Facebook market place would be an ideal place to do this and he is happy to arrange.


10. Annual General Meeting: Wed 21st Oct 2020

It is too early to decide if this takes place physically or by Zoom. DA said that at the Aug Committee meeting it will need to be decided if there will be any changes to anything. This will give us time to make any changes before the AGM takes place.


11. Site & Facebook: All being kept up to date. PF stated that the Website is under review


12. Publicity: DA said that there has been no progress with contacting schools as planned due to the current situation. Contact will not be made until late Sept at the earliest.


13. Loterie: Tom and Kay Winn drew the lottery numbers. There are 71 sold numbers.

1st prize of £20 no.16 Yvette Carver

2e prize of £10 no.68 Barbara Fry

3RD prize of £5 no.19 David Atkins

Congratulations to all.


14. AOB: No other business


15. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for participating in the Zoom meeting. The next meeting will be arranged for Aug. He thanked Trevor for arranging the meeting. He closed by saying stay positive and we need to maintain and encourage contact with abroad.

Meeting Closed at 8.20pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 26e Août 2020 à 7.30 pm

To be arranged probably through Zoom


Signed: …………………………………………………………………


Date …………………………….............................................………


When making a payment online, please put the purpose of your payment in the reference box.



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Association de jumelage rue





If you are paying by cheque: Please make the cheques payable to Street Twinning Association and on the back of the cheque please can you write the purpose of your payment.

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