Minutes July 2019






Minutes of the committee meeting held in The Mullions breakfast room.

Wednesday 24e Juillet 2019. La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.



  1. Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence


ACTUELLE: David Brunt (chairman) DB, Tom Winn (vice chairman) TW, Marina Richards (treasurer) MR, Jacqui Chevalier (secrétaire) JK, Peter Fry PF, Trevor Skinner TS, Francis Knight FK, Cages Butler GB, Catherine Atkins Ca.A, Paul Badman PB, Katrina Dumontroty KD, David Atkins DA


EXCUSES: Kay Strain, Rebecca Wells, Barbara Fry and Simon Carswell


  1. Minutes of the June meeting: DB checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and signed them as a true record


  1. Matters Arising:


a)    The Mullions has now been booked for every 4e Wednesday of the month and informed that there is no meeting in December.

b)   FK has looked at purchasing some sturdy tables for future Twinning events which are strong enough to hold the water and wine bottles. It was agreed to purchase 3 tables costing £28 each 180cm x 30cm.


  1. Treasurers Report: Please see attached financial report


Current account balance £3,520.48

Deposit account balance £8,043.36


FK brought to the committees attention that in the Street Parish Councils 2006 policy they agreed to give Street Twinning a grant each year. We do still need to apply for it and MR stated that she receives an email with a reminder to submit the application. DB stated that the amount received does vary but it could be added to the yearly budget.


Committee members queried if anyone had heard from Elmhurst School with reference to receipt of the Twinning’s £150 donation. This was towards their costs of hosting children from the Schweitzer School in Gravenchon. JK will check the Elmhurst School Newsletter.


  1. Visit to Gravenchon: Wed 15e April to Sun 19e Avril 2020 (provisional until booked)


Please see the attached spreadsheet from MR which shows various coach options. DA et Ca.A recently travelled on the DFDS crossing from Newhaven – Dieppe. Not up to the standard of Brittany Ferries but a good crossing with cabins, recliner seating, large bar and large eating area. TS had a suggestion of travelling down the night before and all staying in a Travel Lodge or similar. DB agreed that we would arrive more refreshed but this would increase the coach price and there would be no saving doing it this way. KD stated that the Portsmouth to Le Harve ferry is not a very nice boat and we wouldn’t get back until 3am Monday morning which would not suit those who have to return to work that day.

DA suggested and TW seconded that we stick to using Taylors coaches as we know and trust them and they know us. MR also stated that Taylors are happy to arrange the ferry crossing as well which would work out cheaper than booking separately. This was thought a good idea by all.


  1. Visit to Isny 2019: Nothing more to report at this time


  1. Publicity / recruitment of new members:


a)    Elmfest report – Sat 13e Juillet: JK reported that Street Twinning had a stall with games gratefully loaned by David Atkins and The Lions. At 20p a go this wasn’t a fundraiser but more about publicity for the twinning and another chance to be part of a community event. We handed out flyers and spoke to various people about twinning along with having fun with pick a stick and play your cards right. Thank you to our volunteers the Knight family, David Brunt, the Wells family, Barbara and Peter Fry, Kay Strain and Tom Winn. The pitch cost £10 and prizes cost £8.43. We took £25.35 on the games and sold one Street shopping bag at £1.50. This gave us a profit for the day of £8.42

b)   Updated flyer – Rebecca Wells had very kindly organised the new twinning flyer at very short notice. We have 500 printed. They look great and with no dates on them they can be used for all twinning events. If anyone knows of somewhere they could be displayed i.e. notice boards etc. then please contact Jacqui. Suggestions from the committee were the library, Strode Theatre, notice board outside Crispin Hall and inside the Community Centre. JK will enquire at these places.

c)    Greeting card – Kay Strain sent the completed greeting card to DB and he will bring one to the next meeting. He said it is very nice with all the relevant information on it.

A big thank you to both Rebecca and Kay for their work and please don’t forget to give Marina any receipts for costs so as you can be reimbursed.


  1. Fundraising:


a)    Bric a brac market stall - DA stated still aiming for stall in Aug. Communication will be through email as there won’t be another meeting until the end of Aug. We will keep members informed if we need any volunteers for the stall.

b)   Merriman Park Fun Day – Saturday 7e Septembre. DA will bring back wine for this on his next trip to France. Possibly bottle wrapping on Thursday 5e Sept but to be confirmed at the next meeting. JK will organise a rota for volunteers on the stall. MR will re-order prizes and give DB a float before the event. Ca.A said that there are windmills from the dinner dance which could be sold for 20p each or given as prizes.

c)    Choir. Carried over to the autumn

d)   Quiz – Fri 8TH Nov at the Victoria Club: TS is organising this and will ask for any help needed nearer the time. It was suggested that we should have a poster or some flyers advertising this at the Merriman Park Fun Day.

e)    Pizza fund raiser – Carried over to next meeting

f)     Baltonsborough Show – Aug 2020 - This will stay on the Agenda so as we don’t forget but nothing more to discuss at this point.


  1. Site / Facebook / Twitter: All being kept up to date


  1. Congratulations to the July lottery winners:


1st Prize no.55 Bernard Squire

2e Prize no.46 Helen Phillips

3RD Prize no.15 Veronica Brunt


  1. AOB:


a)    DB had received the very sad news that Viv Richards, a long standing member of Street Twinning, had recently passed away. TW will represent the Twinning at Viv’s funeral.

b)   JK had received an email from Bernard Squire to say that he and Grace enjoy being kept up to date with news about the Twinning. They send their best wishes to everyone.

c)    Yvonne and Denys Jones have decided to retire from twining after 26yrs. They wish everyone well and will be added to the supporters emailing list as they would like to stay in touch and be informed about future twinning events.

d)   MR will contact the United Reform Church and book Wed 23RD Oct for the Twinning AGM. PF will prepare the emails for re-elections. JK will email the Mullions to say there will be no meeting in October due to the AGM.

e)    The Street Parish Council has stated that the representatives for 2019/2020 are Cllr. Simon Carswell and Cllr. Andy Leafe. They along with Jenny Marshfield the Assistant Clerk will be informed of committee meeting dates and agendas.




Date of next meeting: Wednesday 28e August at 7.30 pm

in The Mullions breakfast room.


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