Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the United Reformed Church, Street on Friday 1st September 2017. La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.
ACTUELLE: Bernard Squire, Claire Axten, David Brunt, Marina Richards, Tom Winn, Paul Badman, Jacqui Chevalier, Dianne Baker, Reg Alford, Sally Bois, Peter & Barbara Fry, Kay StrainEXCUSES: Katrina Dumontroty, Cages Butler, Barbara Cowell
1. Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Checking of the Constitution
Claire proposed that no changes to the Constitution were necessary, this was seconded by Peter Fry.
3. Report of visit from Gravenchon Twinners
Claire read the report to the members present. A copy of the report can be found on the website. Next year’s visit date: Weds 30th May – Sunday 3rd June.
4. Report of visit to Isny Twinners
Peter read the report to the members present. A copy of the report can be found on the website.
5. Nominations for the committee for 2017/18
The following members will be part of the committee for next year: Claire Axten, David Brunt, Bernard Squire, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Dianne Baker, Cages Butler, Jacqui Chevalier, Tom Winn, Peter Fry, Barbara Fry, Sally wood, Katrina Dumontroty, David Atkins.
6. Treasurers Report
Funds raised in this financial year 1.1.17 - 31.8.17:
Christmas Cracker - £136.20
Shopping Bags - £18.00
T-shirts - £65.50
Loterie - £439.00
Grant from Clarks – £750.00
Hire of Meeting Room - £247.50
Gravenchon Visit - £6744.00
Loterie - £240.00
There is £3000 in the current account and £8000.00 in the reserve account.
7. Fund Raising
Merriman Park – Saturday 2nd September.
Christmas Cracker – Saturday 2nd December 11am – 4pm.
Christmas Party – Friday 8th December at the Meadway Hall, Compton Dundon. The Hall and the DJ have been booked. Ticket prices to be advised after the next meeting.
8. Loterie
First Prize – 29 Hazel Russell Second Prize – 21 Kay Winn
Tom will send out invitations to join the 2018 Lottery to all members in October.
9. A.O.B.
a. Tree Watering Schedule:
4th Sept Jacqui & Francis Knight
11th Sept Tom Winn
18th Sept Claire Axten
25th Sept Dianne Baker
2nd Oct Jacqui & Francis Knight
9th Oct Tom Winn
b. Membership Fees are now due - £12 adults, no charge for children. Please pay a.s.a.p. Bank details below.
c. Bernard Squire, retiring Chairman – Claire, on behalf of the committee, thanked Bernard for all that he has done as Chairman and presented him with a Michael Cooper picture. Bernard thanked everyone and wished everyone luck for the future.
12. Date de la prochaine réunion
Wednesday 4th October at 7.30pm, John Webster Chambre, Paroisse Chambres.