Minutes August 2017

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the John Webster Room on Wednesday 2nd August 2017.

The meeting started at 7.30 pm.

PRESENT: Bernard Squire, David Brunt, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Jacqui Knight, Dianne Baker, Reg Alford, Sally Wood, Kay Strain

APOLOGIES: Claire Axten, Tom Winn, Peter & Barbara Fry, Katrina Dumontroty, Gabbie Butler, Barbara Cowell



Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Bernard checked that everyone had read the minutes from the meeting in July and signed them as a true record.


Matters Arising

  1. AGM – it is now confirmed that the meeting will take place on Friday 1st September at the United Reformed Church (opposite Living Homes) at 7.30pm. Please put this date in your diary.

  2. Fundraising - Christmas Dance, Compton Dundon Village Hall on Friday 8th December. There will be a simple supper, games, bring your own drink, raffle, lucky dip for the children. More details to follow.


Treasurers Report

Marina reported that she had received some deposits for the 2018 trip to Gravenchon.


Gravenchon visit 2018 (30th May to 3rd June)

Coach has been booked, ferry will be booked by Katrina.

Please return all forms a.s.a.p. and deposits (£20 adults/£10 children) by 1st September please.



Visit to Isny (25th to 30th August)

Barbara (Fry) presented the wall hanging that will be given to the Isny Twinning Association. Everyone thought it was wonderful and expressed their thanks for all the hard work put into making it. A photograph will be available once it has been finished.



As above.



  1. Christmas Party - as above.

  2. Merriman Park Fun Day, Saturday 2nd September – it was agreed to do the Wine & Water stall again and Hook a Duck for the children.

      • Help is needed to set up and man that stalls. Please let Claire know if you can help.

      • Empty (screw top) wine bottles are needed and can be taken to Claire’s house (25 Clockhouse View) at any time up to the 24th August. If no-one is home they can be left by the garage and bins, behind the house.

      • Wrapping will take place at Claire’s house at 7pm on Thursday 31st August.

      • Donations of FULL bottles of wine are also necessary for the success of the stall.


Website & Facebook

Jacqui will put a request out for help with the wrapping of wine bottles.




First Prize - 47 David Brunt Second Prize – 10 Katrina Dumontroty



  1. Accounts: The accounting year runs from 1st September to 31st August for membership, deposits, balances etc. The Lottery runs from 1st January to 31st December.

  2. Dates for your diary:

      • 1st September – AGM

      • 2nd September – Merriman Park Fun Day

      • 2nd December - Christmas Cracker 11am – 4pm

      • 8th December – Christmas Dance

  1. Tree Watering:

  • 7th Aug Gabbie

  • 14th Aug Sally

  • 21st Aug Bernard

  • 28th Aug Marina

  • 4th Sept Jacqui

  • 11th Sept Tom

  • 18th Sept Claire


Date of next meeting

Friday 1st September, United Reformed Church, 7.30pm.