Minutes September 2022

Minutes of the committee meeting held in The Gravenchon Room, Street Parish Rooms, Leigh Road

Wednesday 28th September 2022. The meeting started at 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:

PRESENT: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Jacqui Knight (secretary) JK, Peter Fry PF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA, Sally Wood SW and Sarah Gulliver

APOLOGIES: Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Kay Strain, David Mozley and Nina Swift

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 24th August: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date. JK will bring the folder to the next meeting for signing.

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda: No matters arising

  1. Chairman’s Report: Received confirmation from the Parish Council that we can hold our committee meetings in the Gravenchon Room within the Parish Rooms at no cost. Street Twinning have been invited to the Investiture on 27th Oct. Unfortunately this coincides with the Gravenchon visit but BF and PF will see if they can attend to represent Street Twinning. Various emails have been sent and received from Cllr. Laura Wolfers and Sharon about the Gravenchon trip which will be covered in item 8. Marina has stated that she would like to step down from the role of Treasurer but will continue if necessary.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Distributed and replied to various emails.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Marina was not present at the meeting. The accounts are with the accountant to be looked over ready for the AGM.

  1. Membership & Member’s Welfare: One of our members Pauline Saunders has been unwell in hospital for a while and had sent an email to JK from her hospital bed stating that her and John will now be unable to travel to Gravenchon with the group. JK had replied sending her best wishes and DA will send a Street Twinning card on behalf of the association.

  1. Visits: Gravenchon trip Wed 26th to Sun 30th October 2022 - The preparations for this visit are almost complete. A check list has been circulated to all 16 members of the group who will be travelling by four cars from Poole to Cherbourg and then driving up to Gravenchon. Most of the group have replied to say they have received and read it and JK will follow up with those she has not heard back from. Cllr. Laura Wolfers is hoping to travel to Gravenchon and be present at the reception event on Wed 26th. Sharon has checked with JK reference any food allergies and replies from members have been forwarded onto her.

  1. Fundraising and Events:

Merriman Park Fun Day Saturday 3rd September: FK has written a report and thanks everyone for their help and support. The committee thanked Francis for all his hard work in organising the event and making sure it ran smoothly on the day. It was another successful event for Street Twinning and we raised £317.43

FK’s full report can be read at the end of the minutes.

JK said that the play your cards right game was popular and the display boards worked very well again. The Chair of The Wells Twinning Association came over and chatted and she was very interested in how we attract new members and what kind of fund raising events we do. She took a flyer and said she will get in touch. DA suggested inviting her to one of our committee meetings as it would be good to exchange ideas, the committee agreed. They twin with France, Germany and Italy.

Street Festive Event Saturday 3rd December 11am – 4pm: This will be free for community groups and BF suggested a bric a brac stall. The committee agreed and BF will apply for a stall. Sarah suggested stocking filler type items would go well and BF and DA said they have some suitable items left over from previous bric a bracs. BF suggested no large items and no china or books. If members have suitable things such as toys or gift type items then please hold onto them for the moment until nearer the time. DA will ask to borrow the Lions gazebo.

  1. Website & Facebook: PF has updated the Website and JK has posted Merriman Park photos on Facebook.

  1. Publicity: DA reminded JK to send him some photos for the brochure. JK will distribute flyers to various places to promote twinning.

  1. Lottery: Congratulations to the winners of the September lottery draw. Thank you to Kay Strain for drawing the numbers earlier that evening as she could not attend the meeting. JK will inform Marina so as she can send payment to the winners.

1st Prize no.43 Avril Berry

2nd Prize no.40 David Mozley

3rd Prize no.22 Claire Axten

  1. AGM: Saturday 15th Oct at 2.30pm at the Crispin Community Centre: The 1st calling notice was sent to all members on the 14th Sept and the 2nd calling notice will be sent to everyone on Saturday 1st Oct. Zoom will be offered but if you would like this option please inform DA at least a few hours before the event is due to start so as it can be set up as it wont be set up if not needed. Back in January it was minuted that there had been a discussion about creating a supporters category. This was discussed again as there would need to be changes made to the constitution if this was to go ahead. Pros and cons were discussed and it was decided, as our membership fee isn’t very much yearly, to keep membership as it is with no separate category or fee for members who no longer travel. The current membership fee is £15 and the committee agreed not to increase it this year. SW passed on her apologies for the AGM as she will not be able to attend, she is happy to stand on the committee again. CA will organise teas and coffees which we have left over from Avril’s summer tea and will get biscuits, milk and sugar.


David Atkins - chairman

Barbara Fry - vice chair (Barbara had only planned to do this short term but is happy to carry on but does not want to discourage anyone who would like to stand for this post)

Jacqui Knight - Secretary

No nomination for treasurer

  1. AOB: None

  1. Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA thanked everyone for coming and thanked Sarah for joining the meeting. The Gravenchon room worked well for the meeting and will be alright for future meetings.

Meeting Closed at 8.45pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 23rd November 2022 at 7.30pm

Venue: The Street Parish Rooms, Leigh Road, STREET, BA16 0HA

Report on the Merriman Park event.

We had another successful day at Merriman Park this year with funds raised
of £317.43. This is about £100 down on last year due to having a very
inexpensive wine stock available to use last year (35 bottles at a total cost of
£46.58) and the event itself not being quite as busy this year.

We had 36 bottles donated compared with 37 last year and thank you to those
who donated as it does make a huge difference to how much we raise. Thanks
also to those who provided us with empties. We started from scratch with our
empties stock so only just managed to have enough on the day. We have kept
back 50-60 of the best bottles for use next year to give us a head start in our

Thank you to David & Catherine for buying the very reasonably priced wine in
France and bringing it back with them.
Thank you to everyone who helped at the wrapping party and those who were
able to do a shift on the day. Thanks again to Sally Wood for so
urcing the
wrapping paper.

We are indebted to Glastonbury & Street Lions for the use of their gazebo,
play your cards right game and horn and to David and Veronica Brunt for the use
of their gazebo. Thank you emails have been sent to both parties along with
an email of appreciation to the Merriman Park group for the day itself.

For reference, we did take almost £30 using the sum-up card reader machine
on the day and I can confidently say that without the machine, none of that
money would have been spent with us. So a good investment.

In summary, another great day and thanks to everyone who helped make it so.

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