Twinning Association Constitution


1.        NAME

The name of the association is Street Twinning Association.


a)     To promote and foster friendship and understanding between the people of Street, Somerset, and the surrounding area and those of other European communities with which the Association has formed or may later form links.

b)     To encourage visits by individuals and groups to and from the linked towns and their    surrounding areas and the development of personal contacts and by so doing broaden the mutual understanding of the social, cultural, educational, recreational, civic and commercial activities of the linked towns.

c)     To undertake fund-raising activities to support the aims of the Association.

d)     To promote or support such other activities as may further the aims of the Association.


In order to carry out the objectives of the association, the committee will:

a)     Raise funds, and receive grants and donations

b)    Apply funds to carry out the work of the association

c)     Receive, hold and disburse money from members and others, on trust, in order to facilitate activities associated with planned visits

d)    Co-operate with and support other organisation with similar purposes


The association shall be managed by a committee. The officers of the committee will be the chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and the secretary. Only one member of the same family is permitted to hold office. The officers and the committee will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the association according to the rules in section 6:

a)     The committee must hold at least 10 meetings each year. At least 50% of the entire committee rounded up to the next whole number if necessary (including the officers) must be present at the meeting to be able to make decisions. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting and put on the website.

b)    If committee members have a conflict of interest, they must declare it and leave the meeting whilst the matter is being discussed or decided.

c)     During the year, the committee may appoint additional members

d)    The committee may make reasonable additional rules to help run the association. These rules must not conflict with this constitution or the law.

e)    Members of the association are welcome and encouraged to attend the committee meetings but are not permitted to vote.

5.        MEMBERSHIP

The association shall have a membership subject to an annual subscription. Any person who supports the work of the association and is aged 18 or over can apply to the committee to become a member.

No annual subscription will be payable by a member under 18 and up to and including 21 years of age if in full-time education.

Once accepted, membership lasts until 1 calendar month after the date of the next AGM and is renewable. An up-to-date membership list and a record of subscriptions paid will be kept by a member of the committee and be safeguarded according to data protection laws.

The committee may remove a person’s membership if they believe it is in the best interests of the association or for non-payment of a subscription or other monies due.


The AGM will be held each year in March.


a)     A calling notice will be issued to all members giving 28 days’ notice of date, time, venue and a provisional agenda. Requests for additional agenda items must be received within the next 10 days.

b)    The notice will also invite members to nominate candidates for the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Anyone wishing to serve in one of those positions may nominate themselves. Nominations must be received by either post or email, at least 14 days before the date of the AGM. It will be assumed the nominee is willing to stand/remain in office.

c)     A second notice will then advise members of the candidates for each position together with the finalised agenda, the previous AGM minutes and the financial report.


d)    There must be a minimum of 10 members present and minutes will be kept.

e)    The Chairman will present the annual report and the Treasurer will present the accounts for acceptance by the members.

f)      Voting will then take place to elect the Chairman. The candidate(s) will be asked to leave the room and the vote will be conducted by the Vice Chairman or nominated person. Voting will normally be by a show of hands, but a ballot may be held if requested by at least 4 members.

g)     Every member has a vote and those not able to attend may express their wish by post or email, giving a minimum of 7 days’ notice.

h)    The elected Chairman will take the chair and voting will continue, as above, for Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

i)      Members will be invited to volunteer to serve on the committee, with a target of at least 10 members. A list of those members will be recorded in the minutes.

j)      Other support roles will be determined at the first committee meeting after the AGM if required.


a)     Money must only be used for the association’s purposes.

b)    Money must be held in the Association’s bank accounts.

c)     The financial accounting year is from January 1st to December 31st. At the end of each year the accounts will be independently verified prior to approval at the AGM.

d)    Cheques must be signed by 2 authorised members.

e)    The Treasurer is authorised to undertake internet banking on behalf of the Association.  All payments must be notified to the chairman and secretary by e-mail prior to the actual payment.

f)      Members cannot receive any money, other than to be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses supported by appropriate receipts.

g)     The treasurer will maintain the accounts and will report to the Committee on the most up to date position of the accounts at each committee meeting.

h)    After each fund-raising event, the treasurer will prepare a detailed income/expenditure report.

i)      Visits to and from our twin towns, will normally be planned by a nominated sub-committee. It will be responsible for the preparation of a proposed budget which must be agreed in advance by the Committee. A financial report will follow the visit.

j)      Requests for monies due from members (other than subscriptions) must be paid within 30 days from the date requested.

k)     All travel payments are non-refundable.

l)      The accounts may be viewed by any member on request to the Treasurer.

m)   All gifts that are presented to the twinning association remain the property of the Street Twinning Association.

n)    Total unbudgeted expenditure of up to £100.00 in any month between Committee Meetings can be authorized by two of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

o)    The Treasurer is authorized to hold a Debit Card on behalf of and in the name of the Association to undertake payment of any approved expenditure.


All members must pay an annual subscription to be determined at the AGM and effective from the 1st January of the following year.  Payment must be received from existing members by the end of January of that year and new members must pay within 2 calendar months of the date of their becoming members.


If the committee considers it necessary they may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) so that the membership can make the decision. An EGM must also be called if a written request from 20 members is received. All members must be given 14 days notice and told the reason for the meeting. All decisions require a two thirds majority of those present. Minutes must be kept. 

a)  Winding up - any money or assets remaining after payment of debts must be given to a local charity. 

b) Changes to the Constitution - can be made at AGMs or EGMs. 

c) The committee may also call an EGM to consult the membership.



This constitution was adopted at the AGM on 2nd March 2024.


Chairman                                                              Secretary