Minutes August 2022

Minutes of the committee meeting held at Peter and Barbara Fry’s house.

Wednesday 24th August 2022. The meeting started at 7.30pm.


·         Welcome and apologies for absence: Barbara welcomed everyone to the meeting.


PRESENT:  Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Jacqui Knight (secretary) JK, Peter Fry PF, Francis Knight FK, Sally Wood SW, Kay Strain KS, David Mozley DM


APOLOGIES: David and Catherine Atkins, Marina Richards and Paul Badman.


·         Minutes of the meeting held on 27th July 2022: BF checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and it was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.


·         Matters Arising not on Agenda: None


·         Chairman’s Report: David was not present at the meeting but had sent information to BF. David had applied to the Parish Council for the grant to hire one of the Parish rooms for our monthly meetings. He had not heard back yet.

BF read out the proposed amendments to the constitution which David had sent to all committee members by email previous to the meeting. All points were agreed by the committee.


·         Secretary’s Report: JK and FK had met with Cllr. Laura Wolfers and Sharon in Street during Sharon’s recent visit. This was prior to a trip that Cllr. Wolfers had planned to visit Gravenchon where she met the mayor and deputy mayor. It was a very positive relaxed meeting and Cllr. Wolfers then posted a very nice report on Facebook about the meeting and then about her trip to Gravenchon. JK was asked by the committee to share the posts so as people who are not on Facebook could read it. There is a copy of what she wrote on Facebook at the end of the minutes.


·         Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes. Marina was not present at the meeting. The financial report was reviewed by the committee members and accepted as a true record.


Current account balance £8782.33

Deposit account balance £8062.23


·         Membership & Member’s Welfare: Nothing to report


·         Visits:


Isny – BF reported that there had been a recent zoom with Isny which went very well. It was lovely to see everyone again and to catch up on the latest news and events. Both sides are looking forward to holding another one where we hope more members can attend.


Gravenchon – JK reported that emails have gone to everyone who showed interest in the trip. To avoid the very high costs of hiring a coach for a small group it has been agreed that members will take their own cars. FK reported that we had another mini group meeting and there will be a thorough check list sent out to members that are travelling over to Gravenchon very soon to avoid any problems as we will be booking and travelling over separately instead of as a group this year. There will be 16 members travelling in October including 4 children.


·         Fundraising and Events:


Summer Social – Held at Avril Berry’s house on Saturday 6th Aug. DM reported that it was a very nice event with cakes, tea and coffee. It was a very sociable afternoon. JK said that everyone was enjoying catching up with everyone so much that they lost track of time. Avril kindly said we could stay on after the arranged time and a few people stayed on and had a go at archery in Avril’s garden.


Merriman Park Fun Day Saturday 3rd September - We have had the confirming email from the Merriman Park group and Marina has been asked to pay the pitch fee. FK will send out an email shortly to ask members to volunteer on the rota, to remind members about donating wine and to ask for as many empties as they can get hold of. David Brunt is kindly lending his gazebo and we will also be using the Lions gazebo. There will be the Water or Wine, play your cards right and the Street Twinning photo and information board to try to attract new members and create interest. Wrapping will be next week at the Knights house and an email will follow shortly with a confirmed day and time. David and Catherine Atkins have brought back 48 bottles of wine from France and there have also been some donations from members. There is some paper left over and SW offered to get some more from the scrap store. We will be re wrapping as we go like last year but we hope not to run out this time.


·         Website & Facebook: PF has put the minutes from July onto the Website. JK has posted with photos about the summer tea, a reminder about Merriman Park, the Isny zoom and also shared the posts from Cllr. Laura Wolfers.


·         Publicity: We still have a lot of flyers left and it was thought a good idea to distribute these again like before at the library, theatre etc. The brochure will be ready shortly.


·         Lottery: Congratulations to the winners of the August lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by members of the Committee and Kay Strain read out the winners during the meeting.


1st Prize no.70 Tony Della Valle

2nd Prize no.6 Marina Richards

3rd Prize no.36 Daniella Della Valle


·          AOB: The AGM is quickly approaching. We are looking at holding this at the Crispin Community Centre and the 1st calling notice will go out with further details when it is due. SW asked if there will be another Bric a Brac. BF stated that there isn’t one arranged yet but it was agreed that it will be an agenda point in September.


·          Vice Chairman’s Closing Remarks: BF thanked everyone for attending the meeting.



Meeting Closed at 8.34pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 28th September at 7.30pm



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