Minutes August 2018

Minutes of the committee meeting held in the John Webster room, Wednesday 1st August 2018
The meeting started at 7.30 pm.
David Brunt (Chairman), Claire Axten, Tom Winn, Jacqui Knight, Francis Knight, Reg Alford, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Gabbie Butler, Dianne Baker, Peter Fry, Kay Strain
Barbara Fry, Bernard Squire, Katrina Dumontroty, Barbara Cowell, Sally Wood

1. David welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. David checked that everyone had read the minutes from the July meeting and signed them as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
No items were raised.

4. Treasurers Report
• Correction from the previous minutes re the trip to Gravenchon. The income was £5957 and the expenditure £5557 meaning a loss of £400.
• It would be helpful to know the breakdown of ferry costs for adults/children. Katrina should be able to get this information.
• Any claims made for items purchased on behalf of the Association should be sent to Marina Richards and receipts must be submitted.

5. Visit from Isny 2018
• The programme has been finalised.
• There are a few seats available on two the trips: Bristol 25th August - trips to SS Great Britain, M-Shed Museum, lunch at ZaZa Bazaar and some sightseeing, the cost is £23.50 (£22 concession)
Lyme Regis 28th August – visiting fossil museums and a fish and chip lunch, the cost is £20.
For further details please contact Peter Fry on the twinning email: street.twinning@gmail.com

6. Planning for AGM
• The AGM will be held on Wednesday 3rd October, 7.30pm at the United Reformed Church, Street
• A calling notice will be issued to all members giving 28 days notice of date, time, venue and provisional agenda. Requests for additional agenda items must be received within 10 days.
• The notice will also invite members to nominate candidates for the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Anyone wishing to serve in one of those positions many nominate themselves. Nominations must be received by either post or email, at least 14 days before the date of the AGM. It will be assumed the nominee is willing to stand/remain in office.
• A second notice will then advise members of the candidates for each position.

7. Merriman Park Fun Day
• Saturday 1st September. Bottle wrapping at Claire’s – Thursday 30th August, 7pm.
• Donations of bottles of wine would be appreciate as well as used bottles filled with water (screw top), both can be left at Claire’s – 25 Clockhouse View, Street.
• Volunteers needed to help run that Water or Wine stall, 12-5. Kay will send an email to all members.

8. Cheese & Wine Evening
• 15th September, 7pm at the United Reformed Church, Street. Tickets available from any Committee Member.
• Ticket prices: £8.50 for adults and £3.50 for children. Adult ticket includes a glass of wine, further glasses will be available on a donation basis.
• If you have anything you could give for the raffle, please bring this on the night.

9. Street Christmas Cracker
• Saturday 1st December.

10. Christmas Party
• Friday 7th December, Medway Hall, Compton Dundon.
• It was suggested the evening could be fancy dress (optional).

11. Visit from Gravenchon 2019
• The Chairman received an email from Sharon with alternative dates suggested. It was agreed that the visit will be – Saturday 6th April – Wednesday 10th April 2019.
• A sub-committee will be set up, Jacqui, Marina and Kay have volunteered so far, if anyone else is interested please let one of us know at the next meeting.
• New members are needed, couples and a French family with two boys aged 10 & 8 are looking for an English family.

12. Publicity/Recruitment of New Members
• Some new leaflets have been produced – a big thank you to Rebecca Wells for doing this. They will be handed out at events.

13. Lottery
Winners this month:
1st Prize Avril Berry
2nd Prize Kay Winn
3rd Prize David Atkins

14. AOB • Jacqui talked about the fact that 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the Isny twinning and wondered if there was anything we could do to commemorate this and wondered if it would be possible to name a road as was done for Gravenchon. She will look into who to contact and find out if it is possible.

Date of next meeting – Wednesday 5th September 2018, John Webster Room, Parish Rooms, Street.

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