Minutes of the committee meeting held in the John Webster room, Wednesday 2nd May 2018
La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.
ACTUELLE: David Brunt (chairman), Claire Axten, Tom Winn, Katrina Dumontroty, Reg Alford, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Cages Butler, Barbara Cowell, Jacqui Chevalier, Trevor Skinner, Kay Strain, Sally Bois
EXCUSES: Peter Fry, Barbara Fry, Bernard Squire, Dianne Baker
1. David welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. David checked that everyone had read the minutes from the April meeting and signed them as a true record.
3. Questions découlant
No items were raised.
4. Treasurers Report
The ferry and coach for the Gravenchon trip have been paid for and the coaches for the Isny trip to Street has also been paid.
- The Committee agreed to dontate £100 to Elmhurst School as they will soon be hosting pupils from Gravenchon schools.
5. Visite de Gravenchon
- 30th May – 3rd June. Depart from Strode College at 4.30am and return on the Sunday evening at 11.30pm.
- Strode College have confirmed that members can leave their cars in their car park (on the far left hand side).
Please sign in with David Brunt before getting on the coach.
Keep your passport at hand as they will be needed.
6. Visite de Isny 2018
- All arrangements are in hand.
7. Website and Facebook
- Both are being kept up to date.
8. Fundraising
- Strawberry Tea – Sunday 17th June, 3pm at 68 Leigh Road, Street. Tickets will be £6.50 for adults and £3.50 for children (aged 5 à 14) and can be obtained from a member of the Committee. There will be a raffle and some games to play. Please bring your own Chair. Action: Katrina to email details to all and Jacqui to put on Facebook.
- Merriman Park Fun Day – Saturday 1st September. Please save screw top wine bottles for the event and any donations of bottles of wine will be very welcome – these can be taken to a member of the Committee.
- Cheese & Wine evening – Saturday 15th September, venue and timings to be advised.
- Please note the amended dates for the Christmas Cracker and Christmas Party:
- Street Christmas Cracker – Saturday 1st December.
- Christmas Party – date and further details to be confirmed.
9. Amendments to the Constitution
- Some amendments to the Constitution were put forward. It was proposed by David Brunt and seconded by Tom Winn that members of the association be invited to the meeting on Wednesday 4th July where the changes to the constitution will be outlined and a vote taken before any amendments are made. The Committee agreed.
10. Grants
- The Association has received £752.50 from Street Parish Council.
- David Brunt has written to Clarks and is waiting for a reply.
11. Contacts/Confidentiality
- On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new EU regulation relating to the processing of personal information comes into effect. There has been a lot in the news about personal information in general and these regulations in particular and we want to let you know how we use and store the personal information you provided us with when you joined the twinning association. Please see the attached Data Privacy Policy.
- By continuing to be a member of the twinning association you acknowledge our Data Privacy Policy , however, if you would like to opt out please email Katrina Dumontroty (katrinadumontroty@gmail.com) by the 23rd May. If you are happy with us having your contact details you don’t need to do anything.
12. Loterie
- Winners this month:
- 1st Prize Paul Badman
- 2nd Prize Daniella Della Valle
- 3rd Prize Grace Squire
13. AOB
- Date for the diary – AGM, Wednesday 5th September, 7.30pm at the United Reformed Church, Street.
- BBQ at Elmhurst School, 11th June – if anyone is able to help please let us know.
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 6th June 2018, John Webster Chambre, Paroisse Chambres, Steet.