Minutes June 2017

Procès-verbal de la réunion du Comité tenue à la Chambre John Webster mercredi 7e Juin 2017. La réunion a commencé à 7.30 pm.   ACTUELLE: Claire Axten, Tom Winn, David Brunt, Sally Bois, Jacqui Chevalier, Katrina Dumontroty, Barbara Cowell, Dianne Baker, Cages Butler, Reg Alford, Peter Fry, Barbara Fry, Kay Strain APOLOGIES: Bernard Squire, Marina Richards, Paul Badman
  1. Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  1. Claire checked that everyone had read the minutes from the May meeting and signed them as a true record.
  1. Questions découlant
  1. A card was received from Collette Langlois thanking the Twinning Association for the card that she received following the death of her husband.
  2. Clock Distribution – Katrina contacted the Twinning families to check that they had received a clock. Claire will contact Sharon to see how many French families still need a clock.
  3. Report on Parish Council Investiture – some members attended the evening at Strode Theatre on 25e It was a very good and interesting evening.
  1. Treasurer's Report
  No report available.  
  1. Gravenchon Visit 2018
  1. Travel Arrangements
Katrina has obtained some coach and ferry costings. It was suggested that it might be less expensive if booked from the French side of Brittany Ferries, Katrina will investigate. It was agreed to make a provisional booking for the coach with Taylors Coaches.  
  1. Visit to Isny 2017
  27 people are going to Isny this year. There is a meeting on Saturday morning for all involved to finalise the details.  
  1. AGA
  The AGM will take place on Friday 1st Septembre, 7.30pm in Walton Village Hall. The meeting will be also be a social gathering and light refreshments will be available. Gabbie will book the hall.  
  1. Grants
  1. From Parish Council - £600
  2. From Clarks - £750
  3. Application for 2018/19 Parish Council Grant – the form will be completed by the Treasurer.
  1. Fundraising
  A ceilidh will be held on Saturday 21st Octobre, in Compton Dundon Village Hall. Details to follow. (The hall is not available on this date, no message from the band yet. CA and BF are liaising)  
  1. Website and Facebook
  Jacqui has received an enquiry via Facebook from a gentleman who is interested in joining the Twinning Association.  
  1. Loterie
  Lottery Draw First Prize 23 Toni Della Valle Second Prize 44 Veronica Brunt
  1. AOB
  • It was agreed in principle to give a donation to the Street Society to refurbish the Library Garden wall since it celebrates the twinning.
  • Street Parish Council representatives this year will be Cllr. Claire Axten and Cllr. Andy Leafe
  • Dates for your diary:
  • AGA & Social gathering
  • 2e September – Merriman Park Fun Day
  • 21st October – social event. To be confirmed
  • 2e December – Christmas Cracker 11am – 4.00pm
  1. Date of Next Meeting
5e Juillet 2017 at 7.30pm in John Webster Room, Paroisse Chambres