Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the John Webster Room, Wednesday 4th Oktober 2017.
Das Treffen begann um 7.30 pm.
VORHANDEN: Bernard Squire, Claire Axten, Marina Richards, Tom Winn, Paul Badman, Jacqui Ritter, Sally Holz, Kay Strain, Jenny & Mark Lewis, Barbara Cowell, Ian Higton, Katrina Dumontroty, Viv Squire, Doreen Nicholls
ENTSCHULDIGUNGEN: David Brunt, Reg Alford, Käfige Butler, Peter & Barbara Fry, Dianne Baker
1. Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Bernard checked that everyone had read the minutes from the September meeting and he signed them as a true record.
3. Election of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Minutes Secretary
Chair – David Brunt nominated by Bernard Squire and seconded by Barbara Cowell.
Vice Chair – Claire Axten nominated by Jacqui Knight and seconded by Sally Wood.
Secretary – to be discussed at the next meeting.
Treasurer – Marina Richards was asked to continue as Treasurer, everyone was in favour. David Brunt will assist if required.
Membership Secretary – Katrina Dumontroty will continue in this role.
Minute Secretary – Kay Strain will continue to take the minutes and Tom Winn will stand in if Kay is not present at the meeting.
4. Entstandener Fragen
a. Annual Fees – 49 members have paid. Katrina will remind those still to pay.
b. Reports on website – it was confirmed that both Isny and Gravenchon reports were on the website.
c. AGM Review – everyone thought the meeting was well attended. The slide-show was enjoyed by all and the refreshments were good.
d. As the accounts were not ready for the AGM, Claire proposed that in future the AGM be held in October so that they would be available, all agreed. The next meeting will be a General Meeting and members will be advised of the change to the Constitution to reflect the change.
e. Tree watering – can now stop as the tree is well established. Some pruning is needed, Katrina will speak to Sean.
f. Lottery invitations – Tom Winn will send out invitations at the end of October. Please encourage family and friends to join as we need to sell more tickets.
5. Treasurers Report
Marina said that 51 members have signed up for the Gravenchon visit next year.
As at 31st August 2017 the Current Account balance is £3073.11 and the Reserve Account balance is £8027.72.
6. Gravenchon Visit 2018
So far 44 adults and 7 children have signed up. Two families will be driving separately.
7. Isny Visit 2018
Nothing has been confirmed but it is likely that the visit will be in the second half of August.
Jenny Lewis mentioned that a group of 12 musicians were interested in coming over and it would be good if they could link up with a similar group here – the Drum & Trumpet Corps was mentioned. Jenny will get some more information.
8. Fundraising
a. Christmas Party – Friday 8th December, Meadway Hall, Compton Dundon 7.30-11pm. Supper provided but please bring your own drink. Tickets available from Committee Members - Adults £8, children under 16 £4. A sub-committee (Jacqui, Katrina, Kay, Sally & Tom) will meet next week. If anyone else would like to come along please let one of us know.
Raffle Prizes are needed, if you would like to donate please contact one of the Committee Members.
b. Street Christmas Cracker – Saturday 2nd December 11am – 4pm.
It was agreed to have the stand in the Crispin Centre as last year and there will be the Water & Wine, Hook a Duck and a Raffle. Donations needed please for the raffle and bottles of wine for the stall. Bottle wrapping will be done on 30th November at Claire’s house (25 Clockhouse View).
Katrina will co-ordinate a list of helpers so please let he know your availability.
c. Ideas for 2018 – this will be kept on the Agenda. It is hoped to have a Strawberry Tea.
9. Webseite & Facebook
Both are being kept up to date with photographs, reports and details of events.
10. Lotterie
1st Prize – No. 23 / Tony Della Valle
2nd Prize – No. 2 / Daniella Della Valle
11. AOB
A grant of £752.50 has been received from Street Parish Council. Marina will send a thank you letter.
David Atkins has kindly offered to work with Marina and David on a financial projection for the next five years to help assess what fund-raising needs to be undertaken.
Confirmation of Committee Members for 2017/18: David Brunt, Claire Axten, Bernard Squire, Tom Winn, Marina Richards, Reg Alford, Katrina Dumontroty, Kay Strain, Barbara Cowell, Paul Badman, Dianne Baker, Käfige Butler, Jacqui Ritter, Peter Fry, Barbara Fry, Sally Holz.
12. Termin der nächsten Sitzung
Wednesday 1st November at 7.30pm, John Webster Zimmer, Parish Zimmer.