Minutes of the committee meeting held via Zoom.
Wednesday 25th May 2022. The meeting started at 7.30pm.
Welcome and apologies for absence:
PRESENT: David Atkins (chairman) DA, Barbara Fry (vice chairman) BF, Jacqui Knight (secretary) JK, Peter Fry PF, Francis Knight FK, Catherine Atkins CA and Nina Swift
APOLOGIES: Marina, Paul, Sally and Kay
Minutes of the meeting held on 25th April 2022: DA checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting. It was agreed that they are a true record. Signing of the minutes will take place at a later date.
Matters Arising not on Agenda: None
Chairman’s Report: Cllr. Nina Swift is now the Street Twinning representative on the Parish Council along with Cllr. Simon Carswell. Nina was welcomed to the meeting.
Secretary’s Report: JK has sent emails to the following people: All STA members reference the Gravenchon trip. Carli from VicFest confirming that we would still like a stall at this event. Peter Hopwood with the filled in form requesting a large pitch at Merriman Park Funday.
Treasurer’s Report: Please see the financial report at the end of the minutes.
Current account balance £8843.98
Deposit account balance £8060.22
Membership & Member’s Welfare: DA wished JK well after her recent foot operation. JK thanked him and said the operation went well and she is enjoying the rest with her foot up at home. JK reported that we have received 47 membership payments plus 6 children who have free membership. Everyone has been sent an email receipt for their membership payment and so if you have not received a receipt and have paid, please get in touch with JK street.twinning@gmail.com
A Newsletter is being prepared for distribution.
Visits: Gravenchon Wed 26th to Sunday 30th October 2022: JK is waiting for a couple of responses to her emails about the Gravenchon trip. If you would like to provisionally put your name down for this trip but have not yet responded, please do so asap. JK will be speaking with Sharon very soon asSharon would like an idea of numbers and the names of people available to travel on those dates so as she can let their hosts know. 27 people have put their name on the list so far which is a really good response. CA has been in touch with Bakers Coaches, and they will be emailing her back with a quote. Nina suggested using the Channel Tunnel as she had recently used it and it was very easy. CA will ask Bakers Coaches for a quote on this as well. At the next meeting a small group will be put together so as planning for the trip can start.
BF has not heard from Isny yet about a zoom.
DA will write an email for JK and BF to send to Gravenchon and Isny to start looking at future exchanges to try to get back on track. What we hope to avoid is two hosting’s in one year and similarly to avoid us travelling twice in one year.
Fundraising and Events:
Bric-a-Brac Stall at Street weekly market: Carry forward
Vicfest on Saturday 2nd July at Victoria Club: A few of our regular stall volunteers are not around on this date including DA and CA. FK offered to set up and break down. JK is happy to send out the initial emails asking for volunteers but will not be there on the day, we will need someone to organise this event. On our stall it is probably going to be a tombola and perhaps a children’s game.
Summer Social on Saturday 6th August: Avril Berry has confirmed this date. An email will go out nearer the time with further details and this event will also be in the newsletter.
Merriman Park Fun Day Saturday 3rd Sept: DA will buy some wine for this whilst they are in France. FK has offered to organise this event. Emails will go out nearer the time requesting volunteers and the usual donations of wine and empty screw top bottles.
Website & Facebook: Nothing to report
Publicity: It is now time to start promoting twinning again. The aim is to produce a brochure using the grant from the Parish Council.
Lottery: Congratulations to the winners of the May lottery draw. The numbers were drawn by Kay Strain before the meeting.
1st Prize no.12 Sam Richards
2nd Prize no.20 Ben Atkins
3rd Prize no.29 Kay Winn
AOB: Nina Swift stated that there have been recent discussions at the Parish Council about the Isny Road request. Peter Goater who was initially dealing with this has returned to the Council and so will continue to help Street Twinning with this request. Procedures have changed though recently, and it is now thought that we need to go through the developers.
DA pointed out that the if the AGM was on the 4th Wed of the month it will clash with the Gravenchon trip in October. It was suggested to bring it forward and possibly change to a Saturday. The date of Saturday 15th Oct at 2.30pm was agreed and DA will enquire about the availability of Crispin community centre.
Chairman’s Closing Remarks: DA asked for thoughts about having a face-to-face Committee meeting next month. Venues were discussed and BF and PF offered their home as a meeting place for next month and DA thanked them. It will be possible to have a hybrid of zoom and face to face for people who would prefer not to meet face to face yet. For the future Nina offered to ask the Parish Council about using one of their meeting rooms and also the Grape and Grain hire their upstairs for meetings and so this could also be a possibility.
Meeting Closed at 8.27pm
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 22nd June at 7.30pm
To be held at Peter and Barbara Fry’s house