Minutes of the AGM – October 2020

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held via Zoom.

Saturday 31st October 2020. The meeting started at 2.30 pm.


1.      PRESENT: David (DA) and Catherine Atkins, Tom Winn, Marina Richards, Jacqui and Francis Knight, Peter and Barbara Fry, Claire Axten, Trevor Skinner, Sally Wood, David and Veronica Brunt, David and Hilary Mozley, Yvette Carver, Shirley Gunter, Gill Davey, Avril Berry and Mark Lewis.


APOLOGIES: Paul Badman, Tina and Tony Della Valle, Kay Winn and Jenny Lewis. Kay Strain sent a message during the meeting which was not picked up until after, stating she couldn’t hear us so unfortunately had to leave the meeting.


2.      Minutes and any matters arising of last AGM held on 23rd October 2019:

DA welcomed everyone to the meeting and checked that they had read the minutes from the previous AGM and that they were a true record. Trevor proposed that the minutes were correct and Tom seconded. A unanimous wave of hands from members present showed we were all in agreement. No matters arising.


3.      Chairman’s Report: (A copy of the report was sent to all members in the week of the meeting)

David checked that everyone had received a copy of his report. In summary he said that the cancelled trips were very disappointing and even though Covid has still not been resolved, the future is bright and our lives will change into an alternative routine. People will be looking for new safe ways to travel which may encourage new members to twinning. We had sadly not been able to do our usual fundraising stalls this summer but we had raised £1200 last year. He thanked everyone for giving him the opportunity to be chairman, it was a sometimes difficult year with new challenges but he has enjoyed it.

Barbara Fry proposed the acceptance of the report and Marina Richards seconded. Agreed with a wave of hands from members.


4.      Treasurer’s report and presentation and acceptance of the annual accounts: (A copy of the accounts was sent to all members in the week of the meeting)

Marina presented the accounts for the financial year to 31st August 2020 as checked by the accountant.  


Current account balance £5,349.81 

Reserve account balance £8,058.38


Sally proposed to agree the accounts and Catherine seconded and a wave of hands showed the members present were in agreement.

Marina proposed for membership to stay at £15, seconded by David Brunt and a wave of hands carried the motion.

DA thanked Marina for all her help especially after going through such a personally tough year.


5.      Changes to the Constitution: (The proposal was sent to all members along with the 1st and 2nd calling notices)

The committee proposed the following additions to item 7. MONEY AND ASSETS:

Sub-section n          Discretionary Payments – Total unbudgeted expenditure of up to £100.00 in any month between Committee Meetings can be authorized by two of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

Sub-section o          Direct Debit Card – The Treasurer is authorized to hold a Debit Card on behalf of and in the name of the Association to undertake payment of any approved expenditure.


Discretionary payments motion was seconded by David Mozley and carried by a wave of hands from members present.

Direct Debit Card motion was seconded by Gill Davey and carried by a wave of hands from members present.

Please find attached the updated Constitution.


6.      Voting to elect the Chairman:

DA asked if any members would like to request a ballot. No requests were received and so the voting by show of hands would proceed.


Once David had left the room Tom congratulated David Atkins on a good chairmanship over the past year and proposed to re-elect David as Chairman. Jacqui reported that no other nominations or votes against had been received by post of email and that the nominations she had received were in favour of David being re-elected.

Trevor seconded and the motion was carried by a wave of hands.

David re-entered the zoom meeting and was congratulated by Tom on being re-elected. David thanked the members and gave special thanks to Tom and appreciated his help and advice over the year.

David Atkins re-elected as Chairman


7.      Voting to elect Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary:

Jacqui reported that no other nominations or votes against had been received by post of email and that the nominations she had received were in favour of the current Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary being re-elected.

Before the vote took place the current Vice Chairman Tom Winn said that he felt he should stand down due to his health but with the present situation and there not being much to do he feels happy to stay in the position until someone stands forward.

The candidates left the room and a vote was carried out by a show of hands. The motion was carried and the three candidates re-entered the zoom meeting and congratulated on their re-election and they thanked everyone.

Tom Winn re-elected as Vice Chairman

Marina Richards re-elected as treasurer

Jacqui Knight re-elected as secretary


8.      Members are invited to volunteer to serve on the management committee with a target of at least 10 members:

Members volunteering to serve on the committee for the coming year are:


Francis Knight, Claire Axten, Sally Wood, Barbara and Peter Fry, Catherine Atkins, Paul Badman and Trevor Skinner.

Previous Committee members Gabbie Butler and Kay Strain who were not at the meeting will be approached to see if they would like to continue.

Anyone else who would like to join is very welcome; please contact either David or Jacqui.


9.       Lottery:

Tom stated that the lottery is one of the few fundraisers still able to go ahead and asks members to encourage family and friends to join. The lottery licence renewal is now due. It was agreed that Tom will pay the £20 and Marina will reimburse. Tom is happy to continue lottery for the time being until someone steps forward. Please let David, Tom or Jacqui know if you would be happy to step in.


October Lottery Winners:

1st no.13 Sandy Baird £20

2nd no.55 David Mozley £10

3rd no.49 Lily Della Valle £5


10.  AOB:

Gill Davey asked if there were any possible dates for visits or hosting next year. David stated that the plan is to visit Gravenchon from 7th to 11th April and host Isny during the week commencing the 2nd August. The agreement with both France and Germany was to maintain the same pattern of visits as we would have done this year. No organising will start for Gravenchon until the beginning of next year. Isny has a deadline of the end of February to start organising. There is no pressure for members to take part and we will do everything we can to delay payments of any kind.

Peter Fry thanked Jacqui for her help in keeping everyone updated and keeping the links going.

Sally Wood asked when people can pay for lottery. Tom answered by saying an invitation letter will go out shortly and the first new draw will take place at the January Committee meeting. There is no rush but Tom would like replies back before Christmas so as numbers can be allocated in plenty of time before the first draw.

Mark Lewis asked about the Road which has been requested to be named after Isny. Jacqui said that she has received a very positive email from Cllr. Peter Goater and they are waiting for planning permission to go ahead for a possible new housing estate in Street and an extension to the current Business Park by Sainsbury’s. Mark proposed that it would be a nice idea if the road had trees along or near it and if it could be called an avenue as this would be very fitting for Isny. Jacqui is happy to contact Cllr. Goater with this proposal.


DA thanked Trevor for hosting the zoom meeting and thanked Peter and Jacqui for helping to circulate the information for tonight’s AGM. He thanked everyone for attending.


Meeting Closed at 3.15pm

Date of next meeting: November 25th 2020 at 7.30pm

To be held via Zoom