Minutes of the committee meeting held in the Victoria Club Skittle Alley.
Wednesday 22nd May 2019.
The meeting started at 7.30 pm.
Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence
PRESENT: David Brunt (chairman) DB, Marina Richards MR, Jacqui Knight JK, Tom Winn TW, Peter Fry PF, Barbara Fry BF, Trevor Skinner TS, Francis Knight FK, Kay Strain KS, Gabbie Butler GB, Catherine Atkins Ca.A, David Atkins DA, Barbara Cowell BC, Rebecca Wells RW, Sally Wood SW, Paul Badman PB
APOLOGIES: Claire Axten Cl.A, Katrina Dumontrotty KD
Minutes of the April meeting:
DB checked that everyone had read the minutes from the previous meeting and signed them as a true record -
Matters Arising:
a) New venue for meetings as from June: Upstairs Parish room £8.50per hour but no lift. Strode Theatre £30per hour and not suitable during holidays as extra cost. Members houses discussed but not favoured. United Reform Church £15 for 3hrs and 10% off if 5 sessions booked. Mullions Hotel breakfast room is free if some bought drinks. It was agreed that TS would book the Mullions for the 4th Wednesday of the month from 7.30pm.
b) Investiture: A very enjoyable evening and Nina Swift mentioned how wonderful Street Twinning is in her speech.
c) Twinning Greeting Card: KS showed a draft A5 size folded card with the possibility of Street Twinning and logo on the front and blank inside costing 10-15p per copy. JK was keen for the email, website and Facebook address to be included and SW suggested a collage of 3 photos. KS agreed to get some quotes for different designs.
Treasurers Report: Current account £3,389.11. Reserve account £8,040.76
MR stated that a BACS payment of £1000 had been paid into the account but she does not know who it is from.
Cheese and Wine Report: Please see attached report. Profit £373.67
A well-attended event with lots of wine and food including many different cheeses. Thank you to Tina and Tony for their great hospitality and also to Gabbie and Martyn Butler for providing the games. TW said what a lovely evening it had been and was very happy to see Hazel and Ivor Russel at the event. It was agreed that JK will keep a Supporters email list so as non-members can be informed of any future fundraising events. If anyone knows of any non-members who would like to support such events please contact Jacqui with their email address so as they can be added to the list.
Record of wine:
DB has stock of 12 red and 3 white wine for future events
Visit to Gravenchon: Wed 15th April to Sun 19th April 2020 (provisional until booked)
KD contacted Brittany Ferries reference sailing from Portsmouth to Caen. They don’t have pricing yet and we can’t book until late Aug/Sept. A discussion followed about other possible crossings. Key points were time of travel and availability of day time cabins. An overnight crossing and a Dover to Calais crossing was not favoured. Other possible options of New Haven to Dieppe and Portsmouth to Le Harve were discussed and so JK will contact KD to see if she would be happy to look into these other options. MR had contacted some coach companies for quotes:
Taylors Coaches 55 seater executive coach £3,450.00 (£3,300.00 last year), Bakers Coaches £2,250.00, SMC coach hire £3,000.00 Coach and Ferry travel carried over to the next meeting.
Visit to Isny:
Mon 28th Oct to Fri 1st Nov 2019 (booked) nothing further to report.
Since the meeting it has been confirmed that the new family travelling to Isny now have a host family.
Publicity / recruitment of new members:
FK said it is important to follow up with people who show interest in the twinning. He mentioned a parish councillor who had attended a previous meeting as a potential new member. DA offered to contact him.
Since the meeting we are in the June edition of Local Reach.
Fundraising for 2019:
a) Quiz: Fri 8TH Nov at the Victoria Club. More details will follow nearer the time.
b) Bric a brac market stall: Val Appleby asked if we would help do a stall on Thurs 23rd May and split the profit 50/50. JK, FK, DB, GB volunteered.
c) Strawberry Tea: Sunday 23rd June from 3pm at Avril and William Berry’s in Street. Cake and raffle prize donations please but no strawberry and cream cakes. Tickets are available from any committee member £7 adult £4 child (aged 5-14) Raffle and possibly a game of boule. Please take own chairs and picnic table if needed. Payments by BACS or cash/cheque to DB.
d) Choir: DA is working on this idea. Carried over.
Website / Facebook /Twitter:
All being kept up to date
Congratulations to the May lottery winners
1st no. 56 Sandy Baird £20
2nd no. 8 Tina Della Valle £10
3rd no.14 Martyn Butler £5
RW asked if there could be a thank you letter sent to Millfield Security for allowing us to park the French Coach at Millfield during their stay. DB is happy to do this along with sending a thank you to Tina and Tony for hosting the Cheese and Wine.
Venue: The Mullions Hotel breakfast room.
51 High Street, Street.