Minutes April 2018

Minutes of the committee meeting held in the John Webster room, Wednesday 4th April 2018

The meeting started at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: David Brunt (chairman), Tom Winn, Katrina Dumontroty, Peter Fry, Reg Alford, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, Bernard Squire, Dianne Baker, Barbara Cowell, Francis Knight, Trevor Skinner, Kay Strain
APOLOGIES: Claire Axten, Gabbie Butler, Jacqui Knight, Barbara Fry
David welcomed everyone to the meeting.
David checked that everyone had read the minutes from the March meeting and signed them as a true record.

Matters Arising

No items were raised.

Treasurers Report

All payments for the Gravenchon trip have been received. The ferry has been paid and the coach company will forward an invoice for payment.
No further lottery ticket money has been received.

Visit to Gravenchon

30th May - 3rd June. Depart from Strode College at 4.30am and return on the Sunday evening at 11.30pm.
Katrina will email the details and check if anyone needs wheelchair assistance.
Strode College have confirmed that members can leave their cars in their car park (on the far left hand side).

Visit from Isny 2018

All arrangements are in hand.
Coaches to be booked and an invoice sent for payment.

Website and Facebook

Both being kept up to date.


Strawberry Tea - Sunday 17th June, timings to be advised
Merriman Park Fund Day - Saturday 1st September.
Cheese & Wine evening - Saturday 15th September, venue and timings to be advised.
Christmas Party - planned for Saturday 1st December, to be discussed further at the next meeting.
Street Christmas Cracker - Saturday 8th December.

Amendments to the Constitution

Some amendments to the Constitution were put forward and all agreed by the Committee and will be voted on at the AGM.


We are waiting to hear from Clarks.


Winners this month:
1st Prize Grace Squire
2nd Prize Paul Badman
3rd Prize Stuart Baker


Members of the Twinning Association have been invited to the Investiture of the new Chairman of Street Parish Council on 17th May at Strode Theatre.
If you would like to go please contact David Brunt on 01458 443171 by 30th April.
GDPR will come into force in May.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates how personal data can be used (your address, telephone number, email etc).

AGM - Wednesday 3rd October, United Reformed Church at 7.30pm, all members are invited to attend.
Date of next meeting - Wednesday 2nd May 2018

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