Minutes of the committee meeting held in the John Webster room at 7.30 on Wednesday 5th July 2017PRESENT: Bernard Squire, Gabbie Butler, Marina Richards, Paul Badman, David Brunt, Jacqui Knight,Claire Axten, Barbara Cowell, Sally Wood, Katrina Dumentroty, Tom WinnAPOLOGIES: Kay Strain, Dianne Baker, Barbara and Peter Fry.Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting and confimed all had read the minutes of the June meeting. He then signed them as a true record.
Clarification was sought of the agreement to make a donation to the Street Society for refurbishment of the library wall mural. It was pointed out that this activity is only at the conceptual stage and no further information is available.
No report available this month, due to very little activity
GRAVENCHON VISIT 2018 (30th May to 3rd June)
The 55 seater coach from Taylors has been confirmed at a cost of £3300. This does not include a daily cost for the driver and suitable accommodation will have to be provided.Katrina reported that booking the ferry through the French office of Brittany Ferries would appear to be more expensive than via the UK office. UK prices are not yet available. The individual cost will obviously depend on numbers travelling but based on last year’s ferry prices (£2350) would be in the order of £130 per adult.Claire will send an e-mail, requesting expressions of interest.
VISIT TO ISNY (25TH to 30th August).
The coffee morning arranged by Barbara and Peter Fry was informative and was enjoyed by all attending. Thanks to Barbara and Peter.It has been agreed to travel to and from Bristol airport by private car.Claire has a copy of the itinery for this year, available to anyone interested in future German twinning.
Walton Village Hall is not available on Friday 1st Sept. It was agreed to keep to this date and Claire will try to book an alternative venue (possibly the United Reform Church hall).
A grant of £750 has been received from Clarks. Letter of thanks to be sent.The application for a Parish Council grant of £600 has been submitted by Marina.7.FUNDRAISINGa. The first event is at the Merriman Park Fun Day on Sat 2nd Sept. Help is needed to set up and man the stalls. One of these is the Water and Wine stall and empty wine bottles (screw top) are needed. They can be left at Claire’s house (25 Clockhouse View) any time up to 24th August. If no one is home, they can be left by the garage and bins, behind the house.Please note that donations of full wine bottles are also necessary for the success of the stall. Screw tops are not essential for full bottles.Bottle wrapping will take place at Claire’s house at 7pm on Thursday 31st August. b. The proposal to hold a ceilidh on 21st October at Compton Dundon village hall has been abandoned. This is due to unavailability of the hall on that date and also that the costs obtained mean that it is not financially viable. Hall hire, band and food would cost in the region of £600 and any profit would be marginal.As an alternative it was proposed to hold a supper and dance nearer to Christmas. Friday 8th December was proposed, at Compton Dundon. It would be a simple supper and “bring your own” drink. Claire will investigate music options.All members are requested to put this date in your diary8.WEBSITE/FACEBOOKA card has been received from the Gravenchon twinners. It is titled “ The event of the year – 50” and contains little passages from most of our French friends, describing how much they enjoyed the 50th anniversary celebrations. Hopefully Jacqui can scan this to our Facebook page. 9. LOTTERYFirst prize 57 Pauline Jones Second prize 32 Kay Winn10. A.O.Ba. Avril Berry had queried the rationale behind omitting a “Strawberry Tea” from this year’s programme. Claire will contact her to explain.b. A request has been received from a twelve year old German boy called Niclas, asking to spend a two week holiday in England this summer. Jacqui will put the details on the Facebook page. c. Commemorative Tree The plaque, with an extra long stake is now available. Paul will place it by the tree.There was some concern expressed about the way that some of the small branches are crossing. Advice will be sought on how and when to proceed.A new rota for tree watering was agreed as follows:Week commencing 26th June Jacqui 3rd July Tom 10th July David 17th July Barbara Cowell 24th July Marina 31st July Dianne (to be confirmed) 7th Aug Gabbie 14th Aug Sally 21st Aug Bernard 28th Aug Marina 4th Sep Jacqui 11TH Sep Tom 18th Sep Claire 11.DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wed 2nd August at 7.30 pm in the John Webster room.